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 Pyraf 1.5 and imexam
 03/17/2008 01:22PM (Read 5315 times)  

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Registered: 03/20/2006
Posts: 7
I have trouble with imexam under pyraf 1.5 and iraf 2.14 under OS X 10.5.2: I am using imexam in a script and using imagecur files:
My image cursor file is:
240.768 775.273 101 a
304.104 789.54 101 a
445.068 716.23 101 a
701.819 657.968 101 a
838.279 568.604 101 a
577.796 487.362 101 a
403.483 443.2 101 a
384.822 413.457 101 a
697.697 230.649 101 a
352.562 193.093 101 a
313.007 174.897 101 aI execute this in a normal ecl:
ecl> imexam input=fbfeb140005.fits frame=1 imagecur=fbfeb140005.cur
Warning: Invalid flux profile
WARNING: Moffat fit did not converge
239.98 772.36 239.98 772.36
5.00 -6.83 541.3 140.7 INDEF 0.54 55 INDEF 34.93 INDEF 1.13
WARNING: Moffat fit did not converge
303.72 789.60 303.72 789.60
13.43 -7.87 1405. 139.8 INDEF 0.31 67 INDEF 8.86 INDEF 1.50
443.81 715.66 443.81 715.66
21.61 INDEF -450.6 141.5 0.4485 INDEF INDEF 5.73 7.14 8.11 7.60
702.06 656.78 702.06 656.78
8.24 -8.41 2317. 141.7 30.16 0.14 17 7.73 7.13 10.32 9.21
838.24 568.63 838.24 568.63
21.73 -12.12 70715. 141.8 843.2 0.05 80 3.02 7.54 7.54 7.24
577.93 487.24 577.93 487.24
16.90 -8.90 3644. 145.5 62.22 1.16 72 0.70 7.77 5.52 9.16
WARNING: Moffat fit did not converge
402.97 443.14 402.97 443.14
26.16 -8.71 3061. 143.9 INDEF 83.5 -2 INDEF 40.91 INDEF 32.07
385.22 414.08 385.22 414.08
16.54 -9.55 6637. 141.9 80.71 0.11 -6 2.91 7.39 6.92 7.30
698.20 230.18 698.20 230.18
35.94 -9.18 4680. 140.7 29.36 0.11 -8 1.65 28.19 7.09 17.22
352.55 193.10 352.55 193.10
21.34 -11.10 27561. 141.1 342.7 0.06 61 4.73 12.88 7.56 16.03
312.44 175.48 312.44 175.48
28.71 -9.28 5174. 140.6 58.36 3.19 43 5.50 9.14 8.91 7.88----------------
I execute this in pyraf:
imexam input=fbfeb140005.fits frame=1 imagecur=fbfeb140005.cur wcs=physical use_disp=''
enable direct display interaction: no
WARNING: Moffat fit did not converge
253.00 790.00 253.00 790.00
7.60 -5.71 192.1 140.3 INDEF 0.62 58 INDEF 9.31 INDEF 1.06
WARNING: Moffat fit did not converge
302.76 790.77 302.76 790.77
5.72 -7.15 722.3 140.7 INDEF 0.21 35 INDEF 6.41 INDEF 8.48
WARNING: Moffat fit did not converge
445.29 716.28 445.29 716.28
0.99 INDEF -6.599 140.9 INDEF INDEF INDEF INDEF 1.20 INDEF 2.00
702.29 656.76 702.29 656.76
109.84 -5.96 241.2 143.1 29.29 2.90 58 7.91 17.52 8.53 21.51
838.25 568.63 838.25 568.63
21.71 -12.12 70686. 141.9 843.1 0.05 82 3.02 7.54 7.54 7.24
577.93 487.24 577.93 487.24
22.49 -8.87 3525. 145.5 61.24 4.64 49 2.10 25.20 5.61 4.27
403.19 443.16 403.19 443.16
1.94 -6.57 423.2 146. 51.37 0.14 1 0.58 1.39 5.17 1.47
385.18 414.08 385.18 414.08
21.32 -9.39 5701. 142.9 79.95 0.71 -7 2.90 7.04 6.80 7.16
697.62 230.15 697.62 230.15
15.04 -8.41 2306. 140.9 30.51 0.10 61 2.71 6.18 5.48 5.44
352.57 193.10 352.57 193.10
21.32 -11.11 27869. 140.9 345.7 0.05 62 2.40 7.42 7.42 7.11
312.44 175.48 312.44 175.48
28.71 -9.28 5174. 140.6 58.36 3.19 43 5.50 9.14 8.91 7.88----
You see that the x and y coordinates are very differnt for (at least) the first line? I also tried without use_disp and that just crashes my pyraf immediatley.I tried different things but the output is not consistent at all. I also have the feeling there's an issue in 2.14, because with use_disp and without gives me different results.I tried many things, for exampl doing this on one image (where the stars are all there) it executes nicely and then doing it on the same file it executes nicely as well . Its a bit strange. Perhaps you guys can make heads or tails of it.
Here are my imexam and rimexam parameters: input = "fbfeb140005.fits" images to be examined
frame = 1 display frame
image = image name
(output = "") output root image name
(ncoutput = 101) Number of columns in image output
(nloutput = 101) Number of lines in image output
(logfile = "") logfile
(keeplog = no) log output results
(defkey = "a") default key for cursor list input
(autoredraw = yes) automatically redraw graph
(allframes = yes) use all frames for displaying new images
(nframes = 0) number of display frames (0 to autosense)
(ncstat = 5) number of columns for statistics
(nlstat = 5) number of lines for statistics
(graphcur = "") graphics cursor input
(imagecur = "") image display cursor input
(wcs = "logical") Coordinate system
(xformat = "") X axis coordinate format
(yformat = "") Y axis coordinate format
(graphics = "stdgraph") graphics device
(display = "display(image='$1',frame=$2)") display command template
(use_display = no) enable direct display interaction
(mode = "al")-----
(banner = yes) Standard banner
(title = "") Title
(xlabel = "Radius") X-axis label
(ylabel = "Pixel Value") Y-axis label
(fitplot = yes) Overplot profile fit?
(fittype = "moffat") Profile type to fit
(center = yes) Center object in aperture?
(background = yes) Fit and subtract background?
(radius = 5.0) Object radius
(buffer = 5.0) Background buffer width
(width = 5.0) Background width
(iterations = 3) Number of radius adjustment iterations
(xorder = 0) Background x order
(yorder = 0) Background y order
(magzero = 0.0) Magnitude zero point
(beta = INDEF) Moffat beta parameter
(rplot = 8.0) Plotting radius
(x1 = INDEF) X-axis window limit
(x2 = INDEF) X-axis window limit
(y1 = INDEF) Y-axis window limit
(y2 = INDEF) Y-axis window limit
(pointmode = yes) plot points instead of lines?
(marker = "plus") point marker character?
(szmarker = 1.0) marker size
(logx = no) log scale x-axis
(logy = no) log scale y-axis
(box = yes) draw box around periphery of window
(ticklabels = yes) label tick marks
(majrx = 5) number of major divisions along x grid
(minrx = 5) number of minor divisions along x grid
(majry = 5) number of major divisions along y grid
(minry = 5) number of minor divisions along y grid
(round = no) round axes to nice values?
(mode = "al")-------
Thanks in advance

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 03/17/2008 01:22PM  

Status: offline

Registered: 03/20/2006
Posts: 7
Installed Iraf 2.14 critical update (jan 2008).

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 03/17/2008 01:22PM  

Status: offline

Registered: 09/30/2005
Posts: 4040
The v2.14 critical patch doesn't sound like the culprit, but I did notice in your pyraf command you set wcs=physical where the default is normally logical. If I had to guess, I'd say it sounds like a bias region was trimmed from the image??Otherwise, are the parameters from your IRAF session or the Pyraf one? Did you do an unlearn on both and reset the parameters to be sure they match (e.g. especially those relating to centering and fitting boxes)?-Mike

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