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Anonymous: Guest
 07/26/1994 06:44PM (Read 529 times)  

George Hong called from LPL with problems loading STSDAS on his
Solaris 2.3 machine. He'd NFS mounted the IRAF disk from a SunOS machine
and made a link to cl.csh by hand without running the install script. The
value of $iraf was invalid and so wasn't finding extern.pkg. He'll run
install and call back if he has any other problems.

Anonymous: Guest
 07/26/1994 06:44PM  

Pat Hartigan called from Rice asking about Solaris/IRAF for his new
Sparc 20 running Sol V2.3. For now he'll install SunOS/IRAF and upgrade later,
we quickly reviewed the install procedures and he'll also get xgterm/ximtool
from the archive.

Anonymous: Guest
 07/26/1994 06:44PM  

A user called from UC Riverside wondering where to get and Installation
Guide and SMG for Sun/IRAF. I talked her through ftp and showed her where
to look.

Anonymous: Guest
 07/26/1994 06:44PM  

Pat Hartigan called again from Rice with Sun/IRAF under Solaris install
problems. He ran the install script but didn't get the /dev fifo pipes for
some reason, he'll try install again or just create 'em by hand. He also
asked about some problems with xgterm/ximtool, I told him these aren't yet
fully supported under Solaris, since he was just testing he'll stick with
xterm/saoimage for now.

Anonymous: Guest
 07/26/1994 06:44PM  

Julian Christou called from Starfire Optical Range wondering how to
get list output from the RADPROF task, PRADPROF does what he needs. I also
told him about REFERENCES, and he came up with the same ("ambiguous 'uniq'")
error message as another user today. He fixed that on the phone and I showed
him how to generate a list of all the tasks. As if the similarities weren't
enough he also asked about new documentation and I directed him to the

Anonymous: Guest
 07/26/1994 06:44PM  

Bonnie Copper called from JSC in Houston looking for the Beginner's
Guide, I gave her ftp instructions. She's working with Drew Potter on the
Clementine images and I've talked w/ her recently about using IMPORT to
convert their PDS data to IRAF. I set them up with a beta of the task and
a simple script to do the conversion automatically. It works for ~98% of
the data but there are some images from the UV-VIS instrumnent that are
distributed using some sort of JPEG compression that are currently unreadable.
She's gotten some decompression software from JPL she'll send me to see if
I can work it into the script to read this last set. They expect to get
several thousand images before it's all done and prefer to use IRAF for the

Anonymous: Guest
 07/26/1994 06:44PM  

Bonnie Cooper called from JSC wondering how to save a displayed
image with graphics overlay and brightness/contrast changes to a new image.
The DSIMG task seems to do what she wants but rather than have her get all
of STSDAS I stripped out the task and gave her a tar file.

Anonymous: Guest
 07/26/1994 06:44PM  

An anonyous user called from somewhere with Ultrix/IRAF installation
problems. She'd set up the iraf root correctly but as we're going over it
she thinks "a few things" were deleted, stuff like $iraf/dev. She'll start
from scratch by unpacking the as.dsux.gen files and call back if she gets
in trouble.

Anonymous: Guest
 07/26/1994 06:44PM  

Peter Schull called back from OK State with more setup questions.
He'd started an xterm but iraf wasn't recognizing it correctly, i sent
him some definitions to put in his login.com and sample code for his login.cl.
He also had questions about how DECwindows itself is configured, I referred
him to Nigel for this.

Anonymous: Guest
 07/26/1994 06:44PM  

Pat Hartigan called from Rice with problems using XImtool under
Solaris V2.3 with an imt800 frame buffer. It was a missing imtoolrc file
which wasn't installed because he answered 'no' to the "custom suntools"
installation question in the install script (this also skipped over the
fifo pipe creation, we fixed that earlier).

Anonymous: Guest
 07/26/1994 06:44PM  

Rob Fesen called from Dartmouth wondering how to get a text file
listing of wavelength vs. flux, we talked about LISTPIX. He also had a problem
using the 'e' key in SPLOT on flux calibrated spectra, we talked about the
scaling workaround. This led to talks on the next release (so he could get
the bug fixes) and ways to produce publication quality plots. At the moment
he's using IDL on the listpix'ed output to produce a plot, I told him about
IGI and the upcoming SPECTOOL.

Anonymous: Guest
 07/26/1994 06:44PM  

Henry Leparskas claled from UOntario with Solaris installation trouble.
Turns out he simply mis-named his irafbin directories 'bin.sparc' instead of
'bin.ssun'. Changing this fixed his problem. He'll be in town the 12th and
promised to stop in and say 'hi'.

Anonymous: Guest
 07/26/1994 06:44PM  

Illy Saliba (sp?) called from UNC with Solaris installation questions.
He wasn't quite sure about the directory structure and wanted to double-check
first. He was also confused about the 'bin.sparc' directory, the README file
still makes mention of this and he wasn't sure what was going on.


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