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 IRAF installation
Anonymous: Guest
 02/25/1993 05:06PM (Read 815 times)  

Hello Carlos, Something is definitely wrong with your installation. The noaobin
directory should have the contents shown here, no .c files: cl> cd noaobin
cl> path
cl> dir
NB.SOS4.SPC x_astutil.e x_dtoi.e x_nproto.e x_rv.e
x_apextract.e x_bias.e x_generic.e x_onedspec.e x_vtel.e
x_apphot.e x_ccdred.e x_longslit.e x_photcal.e
x_artdata.e x_daophot.e x_mtlocal.e x_ptools.eSend me the output from these commands on your machine and perhaps we can
sort out the problem over email. Also send the output from
cl> cd noao
cl> path
cl> !ls -lgd bin*

The dataio, plot, images and tv packages are all in the core system; the core
system binaries are located in a different place from the noao binaries. Note
the zero length file NB.SOS4.SPC in the directory listing above, indicating
these are the sparc noao binaries for SunOS. Looking over the memo Jeannette added to your installation guide, I
have a theory. Notice how the SAOimage.z file follows the TOC and 7 IRAF
files. This would be a large directory of C source files. The dd command
behaves differently at EOF on cartridges and exabytes so the exact commands in
the memo may not work on your system. Most likely, you read the 9th file on
the tape, SAOimage.z, into your noaobin directory, one past the file you
intended to read. Is there a file "makefile" in your noaobin directory - does
it have the line "Makefile for SAOimage" in it? If so, that's the problem and
you don't need to send any directory listings. Just clear out the noaobin
directory and reread the proper files, making sure the NB.SOS4.SPC file appears
in the output directory listing.Another mystery solved - maybe. Let me know.Suzanne

Anonymous: Guest
 02/25/1993 05:06PM  

Hello Carlos, As I recall, this is an initial installation of IRAF on your IPX.
Glad you can access the network: > Well...I'am actually installing IRAF version 2.10.0 from the
> network distribution (i.e. ftp ... etc). If I understand
> rigth the installation guide, I need only to copy the AS.*, IB.* and
> NB.* files on my machine..is it ok?..but I must proceed with the
> installation of the PATCHES as well?..i.e I must read these files from
> the directory iraf/v210/SOS4 of your account?To install IRAF v2.10.2, you'll need the as, ib, and nb files as well as patch1
and patch2. The binary directories (ib, nb) are current for v2.10.2, the
patch files apply source fixes and binary patches to the previous installation.
So, once you get the as.sos4 files and install them, apply patch1 and patch2
to bring the IRAF directory tree to v2.10.2. Then install the binaries to
complete the installation. It is imperative that the IB and NB binaries be
installed last.Hope this clarifies things.Suzanne

Anonymous: Guest
 02/25/1993 05:06PM  

Hello Carlos, > one more question...The owner of the IRAF files and directories must
> be the user 'iraf' or 'root' or anyone? I'm transfering the files
> from the user root..We recommend that the iraf files be owned by user "iraf". Then whoever may
need to log in and perform any system maintenance doesn't have to be root.
We (iraf site support) often log in to other sites to diagnose a problem.
Additionally, the .login file in the iraf account's login directory $iraf/local
defines UNIX variables that facilitate the IRAF installation. It's not
absolutely required that you be "iraf", but it is standard and recommended
that you do the installation as "iraf" rather than root. It would be best
if you ran chown on the transferred files and then continued as "iraf".Suzanne

Anonymous: Guest
 02/25/1993 05:06PM  

Hello Carlos, I will try to help with your installation problem: > My "$iraf" directory is /home/iraf..when transfering the files into
> my machine I have copy the nb.* files in /HOME/NOAO/BIN.SPARC/NB.SOS4.SPC
> instead on /HOME/IRAF/NOAO/BIN.SPARC/NB.SOS4.SPC. I have restored the as.*
> files and I have installed the pacth1 and pacth2...Obviously I cannot
> restore the NOAO package because the directory hierarchy is wrong.! I
> have tried to COPY the nb.* files with the "cp" command but I got an error
> message because the BIN.SPARC directory in /HOME/IRAF/NOAO does not
> xists. Furthemore, when trying to create a directory with such name
> in /HOME/IRAF/NOAO I got a new error message (file already exists) because
> there is already a file (in fact it is a link) with this name.....well..
> can You help me?We recommend (in Appendix A of the Sun/IRAF Installation Guide) that you set
up your IRAF directory tree like this: /home/iraf/iraf/ # IRAF root directory
/home/iraf/irafbin/ # root directory for binaries
/home/iraf/irafbin/bin.sparc # ib.* files unpacked here
/home/iraf/irafbin/noao.bin.sparc # nb.* files unpacked hereIRAF is distributed with $iraf/noao/bin.sparc (and $iraf/bin.sparc) as a
symbolic link. If you have your directory tree set up as shown above, this
link will be correct and not need to be modified: gemini% pwd
gemini% ls -l bin.sparc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 1992 bin.sparc -> ../../irafbin/noao.bin.sparcHowever, this directory structure isn't required. You can delete the
noao/bin.sparc link and replace it with a link correct for your site. You
can also delete the link and replace it with a directory named bin.sparc.
Whatever, it is important that you can cd to iraf$noao/bin.sparc and be in
the directory containing the noao sparc binaries.If I understand your message, you have the nb* files in a directory named
/home/noao/bin.sparc/nb.sos4.spc. People typically transfer the distribution
files onto some scratch disk but I think you've transferred them directly to
your iraf directory tree. That's okay, but the nb and ib files must still
be unpacked into the proper directories. Your IRAF root is /home/iraf/, one level "up" from what we recommend.
I'd suggest moving your iraf root directory, making an irafbin directory and
unpacking the nb* files into a subdirectory of irafbin. This will result in a
directory tree as outlined above with the distributed symbolic links correct.To move /home/iraf to /home/iraf/iraf: % cd /home
% mv iraf foo # moves iraf tree to /home/foo
% mkdir iraf # creates empty /home/iraf
% cd iraf # now you're in /home/iraf
% mv ../foo . # moves directory /home/foo to /home/iraf/foo
% mv foo iraf # renames /home/iraf/foo to /home/iraf/irafTo create the irafbin directories and unpack the nb* files: % cd /home/iraf
% mkdir irafbin
% mkdir irafbin/noao.bin.sparc
% cd /home/iraf/irafbin/noao.bin.sparc # noao sparc binary directory
% cat /home/noao/bin.sparc/bin.sos4.spc/nb.* | uncompress | tar -xpf -Although you don't say so, I think you might have a similar confusion about
the iraf$bin.sparc symbolic link. If so, do another "mkdir" from /home/iraf
to create /home/iraf/irafbin/bin.sparc and unpack (cat|uncompress|tar) the ib*
files into this directory. You can delete the bin.sos4.spc/nb* files once
you've uncompressed them successfully into the iraf$noao/bin.sparc directory.Suzanne

Anonymous: Guest
 02/25/1993 05:06PM  

Hello Carlos, Your terminal type is specified in the login.cl file with the
stty command. You should run "mkiraf" before logging into the CL for
the first time. This creates a new login.cl file for you in response
to some questions. One question is for terminal type. On Sun workstations,
you should be running an Xterm or Gterm window and starting the CL from
there. Then in login.cl, you'd have: cl> stty gterm # automatically senses window size
cl> stty xterm nl=xx # window size specified as xxIf you're running OpenWindows, you may choose an xterm window or
Gterm; SunView can only run Gterm. We are in the process of writing an
X based version of Gterm which will be the window of choice once it's
available. This should get you past the error message; let us know what other questions
come up.Suzanne

Anonymous: Guest
 02/25/1993 05:06PM  

Carlos, I didn't follow all you were saying, but I think the problem must
be you are not starting the CL from an xterm window. Perhaps one of our
system managers will have to help with this, but you must first be running
OW. Then start up the xtool "xterm" which will bring up a window from
which you type the cl command. You must also have SAOimage running, another
xtool, before you attempt to display to it. Starting OW as a CL escape is
definitely not something you'd expect to work. So, from OW, start SAOimage
and xterm. From the xterm window, start the CL. Since OW can run either
X or SunView clients, you can choose any combination of xterm or gterm for
graphics and SAOimage or Imtool for image display. That is something I
can help with and you can experiment with after the basic startup sequence
is established.Suzanne

Anonymous: Guest
 02/25/1993 05:06PM  

Hello Carlos, > well ...I dont have SAOimage running yet..in fact I have not it.
> Is it possible to transfer this software by FTP? In which directory
> of "tucana" is it?...Obviously I must install that before to try to
> resolve the device problem...SAOimage is available from the anonftp archive on iraf.noao.edu (
It is in the iraf.old subdirectory of the anonftp login directory. You
should transfer readme.saoimage (text) and saoimage.tar.Z (binary, compressed,
tar format).Suzanne

Anonymous: Guest
 02/25/1993 05:06PM  

Hello Carlos, The easiest solution to your problem: > still a problem: I have copied the SAOimage in /usr/local/src/saoimage
> as suggested in the readme file. When building SAOimage with
> make "sun_sparc" I have several errors: > - Don't know how to make target /usr/include/X11/Xlib.h
> - Command failed for target btnlib/libbtn.a
> - "" "" "" sun_sparc > I think our X11 libraries are in /usr/openwin/lib ..thus I have changed
> in the makefile.sun file the XLIB option with the path above but I
> still have the same error messages...is to symbolically link the directory containing the .h files to the expected
location. That is, if your .h files are in /usr/openwin/share/include/X11/
and the program is expecting them to be in /usr/include/X11/, execute these
commands: % cd /usr/include
% ln -s /usr/openwin/share/include/X11 X11Let me know if that doesn't work.Suzanne

Anonymous: Guest
 02/25/1993 05:06PM  

Carlos, When display executes without error, it usually means the image
was displayed correctly, just not where you were looking! It could be
displayed on another workstation or have been sent to a zombie saoimage
process. From the UNIX shell, check what saoimage processes are running.
% ps -aux | grep saoimage
If there's more than one, kill off the zombies which are probably left from
previous attempts to run saoimage. If that's not it, check the value of
% echo $DISPLAY
It should be set to your workstation name (or "localhost"). If it's defined
to be another node, that's where the output went. There's more on this in
the readme.saoimage file that you transferred previously.If none of the above leads to the solution, recheck that the installation
went properly. Make sure you're running the saoimage you think:
% which saoimage
You should have run "% make -f makefile.sun install" as described in
section [4] of the readme.saoimage file. This installs the fifo pipes
and imtoolrc file:
% ls -l /dev/imt*
% ls -l /usr/local/lib/imtoolrcIf the installation was incorrect, you'd probably see an error message when
you attempted the display task. Since you see no error, I suspect that the
output was sent to a zombie saoimage process. Let me know -Suzanne

Anonymous: Guest
 02/25/1993 05:06PM  

This is good news Carlos; I'm glad SAOimage is running at last! > well I think IRAF runs OK !!!...I get to display M51 with SAOimage..
> thanks very much!!.. Two further question: > We have a Postcript laserprinter connected on a VAX station (VMS). This
> statation is reachable withim our local network. Is it possible to
> print IRAF-SAO images from our IPX on it? How?
> - The same question with a tape device TK50 connected on this station.If you have a postscript file on the Sun disk, can you print it on the
laserwriter from UNIX? Do you have a host level command to print the file?
If so, it can be done from IRAF as well. You would edit dev$graphcap (for
plotting) and dev$termcap (for printing text with LPRINT) and put the
host level command in the appropriate DD string. Then any plot (or printout)
generated from an IRAF task would execute the host command on the PS file
and make a hardcopy. For hardcopies of displayed images, put the host
level command in a UNIX variable named R_DISPOSE. The etc.print option in
SAOimage generates a PS file and executes the command contained in the
R_DISPOSE string. You can also have R_DISPOSE spool the PS in a file and
dispose it to the printer by hand in a separate step. There's more on all
this in the SAOimage documentation.You can't access the TK50 on the VAXstation remotely from the SUN unless you
install V2.10 VMS/IRAF, due to be released within a couple months.Suzanne

Anonymous: Guest
 02/25/1993 05:06PM  

Dear Someone..I have tried to install here on our HP720/HPUX 8.07 the 2.9 IRAF version,
using the precompiled files (bin.hppa). I have copied the relevant archives
over Internet.
After following the (dispersed) instructions I get the following message
when attempting to start up cl:task `cl' has no param file
Fatal startup error. CL dies.This seems to be an elementary problem for a knowledgeable person.
Could you give me a hint where to look for the remedy? I have tried to
check the environment variables.Two other questions:Will the 2.10 HP-UX version be available anytime soon? We intend to run it
on an HP735 (=our upgraded HP720).Are the IRAF handbooks available via Internet?----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peter Linde Tel: +46-46-104701
Lund Observatory E-mail: peter@astro.lu.se (Internet)
Box 43 Fax: +46-46-104614
S-221 00 Lund


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