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Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM (Read 758 times)  

Hello, we would like to install IRAF here at the International
School for Advanced Studies, Trieste. Would you tell
me what information I need to give you to order a "copy"
of the software and documentation? thank you for your assistance. with best regards,
Joe Pesce

Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM  

HY! I have a question.Can you tell me if in IRAF exist a task in order to
identify and search spectrum lines.
Thanks for your cooperation. Manrico Strappolini

Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM  

Hello Manrico -There is a task called IDENTIFY in the NOAO.ONEDSPEC package that allows
you to mark lines, compute an initial fit to these lines, and then search
for any additional lines using the initial fit.If you have any questions about IDENTIFY or this task is not what you
are after, please let us know.Jeannette Barnes

Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM  

Hello Jeannette
I want give you further information for my purpose.
I thought that in NOAO.ONEDSPEC there was a task that allowed me to
"identify" the spectrum's lines with a possible element or ion.
But maybe that is possible only if is present an catalogue of line inside
the package.
What can you tell me about?
thank Manrico

Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM  

I have this question.Sometimes in Iraf when I change the format of a my
file in IRAF format,this procedure create the file but changin in part
the denomination:for exa. pippo ---> j5pippo.imh and j5pippo.pix.
and not only pippo.imh and pippo.pix.
The problem is that this file are not utilizable and that this problem
is not always present in this procedure but it seem to be "random"..!?
Thanks for your cooperation.
Manrico Strappolini

Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM  

Manrico, The j5 prefix on the filenames you mention is used in the IRAF
virtual filename mapping software. It indicates a shift to upper case
characters, and is embedded in the *host* OS filename (probably VMS in
your case). IRAF filenames are *case-sensitive*, VMS names aren't, and
if you want to use these files in IRAF, you must always use the IRAF file
names, and be sure to use the shift key consistently. The IRAF dir command should show the file PIPPO.IMH in the listing;
this corresponds to the file with the VMS name j5pippo.imh. This name
will be hard to use as an image file, but should not be generated in
the course or normal IRAF task usage. Did you use any VMS/DCL commands
like copy or rename to "fix" filenames at the host level? What IRAF
tasks have you run to get to point where you have this j5pippo file?Chris Biemesderfer

Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM  

I have a question.I wish to know if is correct to use the task CONCATENATE
to obtain a unique file from two files when this files are spectrum
that I want to graphic with SPLOT task
If I have this spectrum:
SHORT from 1200 to 2000 Ang.
LONG from 2000 to 3000 Ang.cl> concatenate SHORT,LONG TOTAland now splot total and so on......

Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM  

I have a question.I wish to know if is correct to use the task CONCATENATE
to obtain a unique file from two files when this files are spectrum
that I want to graphic with SPLOT task
If I have this spectrum:
SHORT from 1200 to 2000 Ang.
LONG from 2000 to 3000 Ang.cl> concatenate SHORT,LONG TOTAland now splot total and so on......

Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM  

Manrico, No, concatenate is for text files. The kind of operation you are
suggesting for your spectra can be achieved with the combine task in the
onedspec package.Chris Biemesderfer

Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM  

Can yuo tell me about the possibility in Iraf to have task that provides
to "make up" or cleaning of spectrumSurprised!peration as eliminate some points or put
some values of fluxs equal to values computed in advance,in short all that
operation that is possible to do iteratively reading the spectrum.
Moreover,is there in Iraf a task that allows arithmetic functions to be
applied to the spectrum as multyply by a constant,plus,minus,calculate
the average of the flux of the spectrum,the logarithm of the flux and so on.?.
But is important that these function may be applied both X and Y (wavel.
and flux)
Thank for your cooperation
Manrico Strappolini

Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM  

Can yuo tell me about the possibility in Iraf to have task that provides
to "make up" or cleaning of spectrumSurprised!peration as eliminate some points or put
some values of fluxs equal to values computed in advance,in short all that
operation that is possible to do iteratively reading the spectrum.
Moreover,is there in Iraf a task that allows arithmetic functions to be
applied to the spectrum as multyply by a constant,plus,minus,calculate
the average of the flux of the spectrum,the logarithm of the flux and so on.?.
But is important that these function may be applied both X and Y (wavel.
and flux)
Thank for your cooperation
Manrico Strappolini

Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM  

Sorry,but since we have got some problems of line in the last days,I have
think of send again this mail.(This is not a solicitation!!!)...
Can yuo tell me about the possibility in Iraf to have task that provides
to "make up" or cleaning of spectrumSurprised!peration as eliminate some points or put
some values of fluxs equal to values computed in advance,in short all that
operation that is possible to do iteratively reading the spectrum.
Moreover,is there in Iraf a task that allows arithmetic functions to be
applied to the spectrum as multyply by a constant,plus,minus,calculate
the average of the flux of the spectrum,the logarithm of the flux and so on.?.
But is important that these function may be applied both X and Y (wavel.
and flux)
Thank for your cooperation
Manrico Strappolini

Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM  

Hello Jeannette.
First of all I wish to thank you for your cooperation on my questions
about IRAF.
Moreover my english is no good...and I'm sorry for this.
But in the last mail I have asked you about tasks that will help me for
arithmetic operations on my spectra (one-dimension).
My problem is this:my spectra are Flux vs Wavelength (Ang) and I want to
create and plot a new file where I have logFlux vs logWavelength (Ang).
I have used SPLOT task,and in particular the "f" key drop me into a
"function" mode,but the command for have the logarithm of the scale
provides only the logarithm of the y-axis (Flux) and not the logarithm of
the y-axis (flux) and x-axis (Wavelength).
I have also used IMFUNCTION task on a spectrum and applied the log function
there.But the result is the same,because the log function provides only
the logarithm of the y-axis (Flux) and not for x and y axis.
Moreover also GRAPH task can't help me because in this task the values
on x-axis are pixels and so this task completely ignore the wavelenght
of my spectra.
Now I wish to know if is possible to resolve this problem,in particular
for me could be good run some task on a spectrum and applied the log
function there to obtein the logarithm of the x-axis (Wavelength) then
save this spectrum and after use SPLOT task on this resultant spectrum
to plot a log log graph.
What I must to do for resolve this question?
Manrico Strappolini

Anonymous: Guest
 10/04/1991 08:37AM  

My problem is this:my spectra are Flux vs Wavelength (Ang) and I want to
create and plot a new file where I have logFlux vs logWavelength (Ang).
I have used SPLOT task,and in particular the "f" key drop me into a
"function" mode,but the command for have the logarithm of the scale
provides only the logarithm of the y-axis (Flux) and not the logarithm of
the y-axis (flux) and x-axis (Wavelength).
I have also used IMFUNCTION task on a spectrum and applied the log function
there.But the result is the same,because the log function provides only
the logarithm of the y-axis (Flux) and not for x and y axis.
Moreover also GRAPH task can't help me because in this task the values
on x-axis are pixels and so this task completely ignore the wavelenght
of my spectra.
Now I wish to know if is possible to resolve this problem,in particular
for me could be good run some task on a spectrum and applied the log
function there to obtein the logarithm of the x-axis (Wavelength) then
save this spectrum and after use SPLOT task on this resultant spectrum
to plot a log log graph.
What I must to do for resolve this question?
Thanks for your cooperation.

Manrico Strappolini


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