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 problems with apextract
Anonymous: Guest
 10/05/2005 08:18AM (Read 439 times)  

please forward to Suzanne Jacobydear Suzanne,
thank you for the mail about possible solutions to my apextract task.
However the actions you suggested (stty xterm nl=xx or stty gterm)
were already operating with no solution to my problem.The main problem I have BOTH from sunview and from openwindow (using xterm)
is that the only possible mode is "help mode" with no interactive
response from the computer in the graphic window.Have you any other suggestion?Thank you Giuseppe Gavazzi

Anonymous: Guest
 10/05/2005 08:18AM  

Hello, I am getting in troubles with the program apall
in the apextract package. The problem arises when I try to extract
from a longslit image, a spectrum with onedspec output format.
I put the parameters for apall as follows: input = "n7293_cf" List of input images
nfind = Number of apertures to be found automatically
(output = "") List of output spectra
(format = "onedspec") Extracted spectra format
(references = "") List of aperture reference images
(profiles = "") List of aperture profile images\n
(interactive = yes) Run task interactively?
(find = no) Find apertures?
(recenter = no) Recenter apertures?
(resize = no) Resize apertures?
(edit = yes) Edit apertures?
(trace = no) Trace apertures?
(fittrace = yes) Fit the traced points interactively?
(extract = yes) Extract spectra?
(extras = no) Extract sky, sigma, etc.?
(review = yes) Review extractions?\n
(line = 285) Dispersion line
(nsum = 15) Number of dispersion lines to sum\n\n# DEFAULT
(dispaxis = 2) Dispersion axis (1=along lines, 2=along columns
(lower = -5.) Lower aperture limit relative to center
(upper = 5.) Upper aperture limit relative to center
(apidtable = "") Aperture ID table (optional)\n\n# DEFAULT BACKG
(b_function = "chebyshev") Background function
(b_order = 1) Background function order
(b_sample = "-10:-6,6:10") Background sample regions
(b_naverage = -3) Background average or median
(b_niterate = 0) Background rejection iterations
(b_low_reject = 3.) Background lower rejection sigma
(b_high_rejec = 3.) Background upper rejection sigma
(b_grow = 0.) Background rejection growing radius\n\n# APERTU
(width = 5.) Profile centering width
(radius = 10.) Profile centering radius
(threshold = 0.) Detection threshold for profile centering\n\n#
(minsep = 5.) Minimum separation between spectra
(maxsep = 1000.) Maximum separation between spectra
(order = "increasing") Order of apertures\n\n# RECENTERING PARAMETERS\n
(apertures = "") Select apertures
(npeaks = INDEF) Select brightest peaks
(shift = yes) Use average shift instead of recentering?\n\n#
(llimit = INDEF) Lower aperture limit relative to center
(ulimit = INDEF) Upper aperture limit relative to center
(ylevel = 0.1) Fraction of peak or intensity for automatic wid
(peak = yes) Is ylevel a fraction of the peak?
(bkg = yes) Subtract background in automatic width?
(r_grow = 0.) Grow limits by this factor
(avglimits = no) Average limits over all apertures?\n\n# TRACING
(t_nsum = 10) Number of dispersion lines to sum
(t_step = 10) Tracing step
(t_nlost = 3) Number of consecutive times profile is lost bef
(t_function = "legendre") Trace fitting function
(t_order = 2) Trace fitting function order
(t_sample = "*") Trace sample regions
(t_naverage = 1) Trace average or median
(t_niterate = 0) Trace rejection iterations
(t_low_reject = 3.) Trace lower rejection sigma
(t_high_rejec = 3.) Trace upper rejection sigma
(t_grow = 0.) Trace rejection growing radius\n\n# EXTRACTION
(background = "none") Background to subtract
(skybox = 1) Box car smoothing length for sky
(weights = "none") Extraction weights (none|variance)
(pfit = "fit1d") Profile fitting type (fit1d|fit2d)
(clean = no) Detect and replace bad pixels?
(saturation = INDEF) Saturation level
(readnoise = "0.") Read out noise sigma (photons)
(gain = "1.") Photon gain (photons/data number)
(lsigma = 4.) Lower rejection threshold
(usigma = 4.) Upper rejection threshold
(nsubaps = 1) Number of subapertures per aperture
(mode = "ql")
However the resulting image is a true 1-D spectrum but the headers
are wrong and correspond to a multispec format.
The following lines correspond to the header of the extracted spectrum:n7293_cf.0001[1220][real]: NGC7293III - Aperture 1
No bad pixels, no histogram, min=unknown, max=unknown
Line storage mode, physdim [1280], length of user area 6359 s.u.
Created Fri 12:42:37 30-Apr-93, Last modified Fri 12:42:37 30-Apr-93
Pixel file 'HDR$pixels/n7293_cf.0001.pix' [NO PIXEL FILE]
'21-09-92 ' /
New copy of n7293_cf.imh
New copy of guirre!/scratch/mar/ngc7293/n7293_cf
New copy of n7293_cf
IRAF-MAX= 1.915480E+04 /
IRAF-MIN= -1.269076E+01 /
IRAF-BPX= 32 /
PACKDATE= '92/08/19 ' /
PACKTIME= '03:31:04 ' /
PACKNAME= 'ICD86199 ' /
PACKPDAT= '92/08/19 ' /
PACKPTIM= '02:53:48 ' /
PACKPNAM= 'ICD86198 ' /
OBSTYP = 40 /
RA = '22:28:11.62' /
DEC = '-21:02:26.20' /
EQUINOX = 'B1950.0 ' /
ZENDIST = 5.233630E+01 /
AIRMASS = 1.635000E+00 /
DATE-OBS= '19/08/92 ' /
WCSDIM = 2 /
LTM1_1 = 1 /
LTM2_2 = 1 /
WAT0_001= 'system=multispec
WAT1_001= 'wtype=multispec label=Angstroms
WAT2_001= 'wtype=multispec spec1 = "1 1 0 6499.695 0.2200967 1220 0. 99.42 1
EXPTIME = 1800 /
CDELT1 = 1. /
CDELT2 = 1 /
CD1_1 = 1. /
CD2_2 = 1 /
EXTCOR = 0 /
EX-FLAG = 0 /
CRVAL1 = 6.4996948242188E+03 /
CDELT1 = 2.2009667888638E-01 /
CRPIX1 = 1.000000E+00 /
CRVAL2 = 1.0000000000000E+00 /
CDELT2 = 1.0000000000000E+00 /
CRPIX2 = 1.000000E+00 /
EPOCH = 1992.
OBSERVAT= 'lapalma '
UT = 3.
WAXMAP01= '1 0 0 0
WAT2_002= '42"
Many thanks in advance and regards,

JOse Acosta
Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
S/C Tenerife (SPAIN)

Anonymous: Guest
 10/05/2005 08:18AM  

Hello Jose,APALL is behaving as it should. The confusion is with the meaning
of the format parameter. This parameter selects whether there will
be one output spectrum per aperture with image names having numeric
aperture number extensions or multiple spectra in a single output
image with extension .ms. It does not refer to the header keyword
format. I realize that in the past there were cases where "ondespec"
and "multispec" did also refer to the type of header keywords as
well as the structure of the image and the image name format.
If you want to change the keywords to simpler ones the current
solution is to use SCOPY. In this case if there is a single
spectrum in an output image (again whether format is "onedspec" or
"multispec") and the dispersion is linear then the simple FITS
keywords will be recorded in the header.I agree that APALL should produce a simpler header than the MULTISPEC
one if possible. There have been changes along these lines for the
next release of IRAF V2.10.3. In that version, if it is possible
to represent the dispersion with the FITS keywords, APALL and all
spectral tasks will produce that type of header. This will apply
not only to 1D images with a single linear dispersion but to
2D images with multiple spectra all having the same linear dispersion.
Again the keywords used are determined by the dispersion function and
not but the format parameter. The format parameter selects the
image naming convention and whether the spectra are stored in individual
1D images or possibly grouped in a 2D image.I hope I've explained this adequately but let me know if not. In summary,
APALL produces the output image header you see regardless of the value
of the format parameter and you can use SCOPY to change the dispersion
representation in the header for individual spectra with linear
Frank Valdes


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