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 Cygwin CL fatal error.
 10/25/2009 08:06PM (Read 7436 times)  

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Registered: 10/25/2009
Posts: 6
Aloha folks!I've recently installed IRAf on Cygwin following the instructions laid out by IAC (used by others on the forums) and I have encountered an error upon starting IRAF.
Xgterm and DS9 start fine but upon issuing the ecl command I get the error:ERROR: syntax error
called as: `cl ()'
called as: `cl ()'
Error while reading login.cl file - may need to rebuild with mkiraf
Fatal startup error. CL dies.I have backtracked through the forums and checked over the extern.pkg file to see if there was a misplaced / but no joy.
I followed the installation instructions to the letter and I'm stuck at this error. Everythings else seems to work fine.Any ideas folks?Mahalo

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 10/25/2009 08:06PM  

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Registered: 09/30/2005
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The error can only be in your login.cl or loginuser.cl file, or the system $hlib/extern.pkg file. You can do a new MKIRAF to recreate your login.cl file, and temporarily move your loginuser.cl file so it won't be read to rule them out. For the extern.pkg file, a space after a '\' or something similar could cause an error. Some editors fail to put a newline on the last line of the file which also causes a parser problem but if you can't spot it feel free to post the file, or else comment out every line to verify that is the file with the problem and then gradually uncomment lines until you find the problem.Lastly, you should just need to type 'cl' to start, the ECL is the default.

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 10/25/2009 08:06PM  

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Registered: 10/25/2009
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Ok.. I have two extern files. One is extern (pkg file) and the other is extern.pkgThis is what they look like:# External (non core-system) packages. To install a new package, add the
# two statements to define the package root directory and package task,
# then add the package helpdb to the `helpdb' list.
reset noao = iraf$noao
task noao.pkg = noao$noao.clreset tables = /iraf/extern/tables/
task tables.pkg = tables$tables.clreset stsdas = /iraf/extern/stsdas/
task stsdas.pkg = stsdas$stsdas.clreset nmisc = /iraf/extern/nmisc/
task nmisc.pkg = nmisc$nmisc.clreset ctio = /iraf/extern/ctio/
task ctio.pkg = ctio$ctio.clreset gemini = /iraf/extern/gemini/
task gemini.pkg = gemini$gemini.clreset fitsutil = /iraf/extern/fitsutil/
task fitsutil.pkg = fitsutil$fitsutil.cl
reset helpdb = "lib$helpdb.mip\
"keepI hashed out all the lines of code and I still got the error FrownI am new to IRAf so when I opened up my login.cl file I didn't really know what I was looking for as far as an error goes.Anyway here is my login.cl file contents# LOGIN.CL -- User login file for the IRAF command language.# Identify login.cl version (checked in images.cl).
if (defpar ("logver"))
logver = "IRAF V2.14.1 September 2008"set home = "/cygdrive/c/christopher/iraf/"
set imdir = "/cygdrive/c/christopher/iraf/Christopher/"
set uparm = "home$uparm/"
set userid = "Christopher"# Set the terminal type. We assume the user has defined this correctly
# when issuing the MKIRAF and no longer key off the unix TERM to set a
# default.
if (access (".hushiraf") == no)
print "setting terminal type to xgterm..."
stty xgterm
# Uncomment and edit to change the defaults.
#set editor = vi
#set printer = lp
#set pspage = "letter"
#set stdimage = imt800
#set stdimcur = stdimage
#set stdplot = lw
#set clobber = no
#set filewait = yes
#set cmbuflen = 512000
#set min_lenuserarea = 64000
#set imtype = "imh"
set imextn = "oif:imh fxf:fits,fit fxb:fxb plf:pl qpf:qp stf:hhh,??h"
# XIMTOOL/DISPLAY stuff. Set node to the name of your workstation to
# enable remote image display. The trailing "!" is required.
#set node = "my_workstation!"# CL parameters you mighth want to change.
#ehinit = "nostandout eol noverify"
#epinit = "standout showall"
showtype = yes
# Load the default CL package. Doing so here allows us to override package
# paths and load personalized packages from our loginuser.cl.
# Default USER package; extend or modify as you wish. Note that this can
# be used to call FORTRAN programs from IRAF.package usertask $adb $bc $cal $cat $comm $cp $csh $date $dbx $df $diff = "$foreign"
task $du $find $finger $ftp $grep $lpq $lprm $ls $mail $make = "$foreign"
task $man $mon $mv $nm $od $ps $rcp $rlogin $rsh $ruptime = "$foreign"
task $rwho $sh $spell $sps $strings $su $telnet $tip $top = "$foreign"
task $vi $emacs $w $wc $less $rusers $sync $pwd $gdb = "$foreign"task $xc $mkpkg $generic $rtar $wtar $buglog = "$foreign"
#task $fc = "$xc -h $* -limfort -lsys -lvops -los"
task $fc = ("$" // envget("iraf") // "unix/hlib/fc.csh" //
" -h $* -limfort -lsys -lvops -los")
task $nbugs = ("$(setenv EDITOR 'buglog -e';" //
"less -Cqm +G " // envget ("iraf") // "local/bugs.*)")
task $cls = "$clear;ls"
task $clw = "$clear;w"
task $pg = ("$(less -Cqm $*)")if (access ("home$loginuser.cl"))
cl < "home$loginuser.cl"
prcache directory
cache directory page type help# Print the message of the day.
if (access (".hushiraf"))
menus = no
else {
clear; type hlib$motd
}# Delete any old MTIO lock (magtape position) files.
if (deftask ("mtclean"))
delete uparm$mt?.lok,uparm$*.wcs verify-# List any packages you want loaded at login time, ONE PER LINE.
images # general image operators
plot # graphics tasks
dataio # data conversions, import export
lists # list processing# The if(deftask...) is needed for V2.9 compatibility.
if (deftask ("proto"))
proto # prototype or ad hoc taskstv # image display
utilities # miscellaneous utilities
noao # optical astronomy packageskeep
Sorry for the uber-long post.

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 10/25/2009 08:06PM  

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Registered: 09/30/2005
Posts: 4040
I don't know what you mean by the first 'extern' file .... Anyway, try putting the lined_traceas the first line in the login.cl file. It should give you a clue where the error is, if not post the last 20-30 lines of output. The files you posted look normal.

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 10/25/2009 08:06PM  

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Registered: 10/25/2009
Posts: 6
Thanks for the help fitz,Will the output be given in the xgterm window or in the cygwin dialogue box?

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 10/25/2009 08:06PM  

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Registered: 09/30/2005
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In whichever window you are in when you type 'cl' (which should be the xgterm window)

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 10/25/2009 08:06PM  

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Registered: 10/25/2009
Posts: 6
hmm.. okay I've placed d_trace at the top of the login.cl file and I'm not getting any extra output in the xgterm window, just the usual error message about the CL dies.Should d_trace work on it's own within the xgterm window? If I type d_trace it says 'command not found'

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 10/25/2009 08:06PM  

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Registered: 10/25/2009
Posts: 6
d_trace isn't producing anything in xgterm but I did get an arror in the cygwin dialogoue box:3 [main] xterm 7248 child_copy: linked dll data write copy failed, 0x34C00
0..0x34C03C, done 0, windows pid 2340, Win32 error 487
xterm: Error 29, errno 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
Reason: spawn: fork<> failedThis is the first time I've seen this when running startx.Any ideas? Shhould i do a clean install?

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 10/25/2009 08:06PM  

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Registered: 09/30/2005
Posts: 4040
The last message would be a problem in Cygwin or the X11 install, not iraf. You can start IRAF from the cygwin terminal window just to verify that it works but can't use if for graphics. Otherwise, try using the 'xterm' that comes standard so you're not confusing possible problems with the xgterm.The 'syntax error' looks like it's coming from the CL, the only file read before your login.cl is the $iraf/unix/hlib/clpackage.cl which you should never need to touch, but verify that it is there. This is also the file that loads the extern.pkg file so an error in extern.pkg would cause the error before your login.cl gets read. Lastly, if you've updated to Windows note that none of this has been tested on that platform yet. Otherwise, could you post a reference to the "instructions laid out by IAC" in case there is some non-standard recommendation in there.

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 10/25/2009 08:06PM  

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Registered: 10/25/2009
Posts: 6
Ok I tried starting IRAF from Cygwin and and it gave me the same cl syntax error.
Here's the link to the IAC instructions: http://www.iac.es/sieinvens/siepedia/pmwiki.php?n=HOWTOs.IrafCygwinI also verified that the clpackage file was present and it is.The code used in the extern.pkg file is located at the bottom of the IAC instructions. There may be an error in the formating but I am not experienced enough to spot it, sorry.

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 10/25/2009 08:06PM  

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Registered: 09/30/2005
Posts: 4040
If you're still having problems, see the last reply in https://iraf.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=1463287

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