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 zerocombine problem
 10/24/2007 05:29PM (Read 22543 times)  

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Registered: 05/17/2007
Posts: 9
I have a user who is trying to use zerocombine, but it doesn't seem to want to open the images. When she or I run the zerocombine task, this is what we get:
List of zero level images to combine: ccd0009c1.fits,ccd0008c1.fits
ERROR: No images to combine
"pclip=pclip, grow=0)"
line 47: ccdred$zerocombine.cl
called as: `zerocombine ()'
I tried fiddling with the ccdtype parameter, but that didn't help.Any ideas? Thanks again!

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  

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Registered: 09/30/2005
Posts: 4040
Setting the 'ccdtype' parameter to a null string (i.e double quotes like "") will force the input list to be processed as-is. Otherwise, things depend on the cctdype header keyword and/or the task parameter. Note that SETINSTRUMENT can be used to modify the image header keyword translations.-Mike

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  

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Registered: 05/17/2007
Posts: 9
Okay, I tried that and I get this:
ccdred> zerocombine
List of zero level images to combine: ccd0008c1.fits,ccd0009c1.fits
ERROR: segmentation violation
"pclip=pclip, grow=0)"
line 47: ccdred$zerocombine.cl
called as: `zerocombine ()'
I should be using a comma to separate the filenames, right?

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  

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Registered: 09/30/2005
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A comma to separate files is correct. Can other tasks like IMSTAT or IMHEAD open the images properly? Any chance of a permissions problem or a malformed FITS file?-Mike

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  

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Registered: 05/17/2007
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The odd thing is that another of my users can do the zerocombine on the images, so there's some environment setting that I just don't know.We tried copying the iraf environment from the user that works to the one that doesn't, but that didn't work, either.I verified that everything else works okay:ccdred> imstat ccd0008c1.fits
ccd0008c1.fits 8785920 1058. 47.02 1007. 11896.
ccdred> imhead ccd0008c1.fits
ccd0008c1.fits[2112,4160][ushort]: biasmeat[~/iraf] ls -lah
-rw-r--r-- 1 edmeades uucp 17M 2007-10-24 13:12 ccd0008c1.fits
-rw-r--r-- 1 edmeades uucp 17M 2007-10-24 13:12 ccd0009c1.fitsI also added execute permission, but that didn't help.The files open in ds9, and don't look obviously corrupted, but I'm not an astronomer.

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  
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Note that zerocombine has the option to call ccdproc before combining. So it have something to do with that task. You should usually include task parameter listings when presenting a problem. There are various ways to narrow down the problem when a script task is involved. One is to type "d_trace" to dump out a lot of debugging info. The main useful bit is that lask task call, with all its parameters, before the crash occurs. You type d_trace again to stop the output.One comment, because I recently dealt with this, is that copying another user's environment needs to include the uparm directory as well.I can try and help further with a parameter listing and possibly the d_trace info about the last executable run.Frank Valdes

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Jason Quinn
 10/24/2007 05:29PM  
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I'm having the exact same problem the original poster did with [b:de38a6b967]zerocombine[/b:de38a6b967]. It does not seem to understand the IMAGETYP keywords anymore.[code:1:de38a6b967]
PACKAGE = ccdred
TASK = zerocombineinput = zero* List of zero level images to combine
(output = Zero) Output zero level name
(combine= average) Type of combine operation
(reject = minmax) Type of rejection
(ccdtype= bias) CCD image type to combine
(process= no) Process images before combining?
(delete = no) Delete input images after combining?
(clobber= no) Clobber existing output image?
(scale = none) Image scaling
(statsec= ) Image section for computing statistics
(nlow = 1) minmax: Number of low pixels to reject
(nhigh = 1) minmax: Number of high pixels to reject
(nkeep = 1) Minimum to keep (pos) or maximum to reject (neg)
(mclip = yes) Use median in sigma clipping algorithms?
(lsigma = 3.) Lower sigma clipping factor
(hsigma = 3.) Upper sigma clipping factor
(rdnoise= 0.) ccdclip: CCD readout noise (electrons)
(gain = 1.) ccdclip: CCD gain (electrons/DN)
(snoise = 0.) ccdclip: Sensitivity noise (fraction)
(pclip = -0.5) pclip: Percentile clipping parameter
(blank = 0.) Value if there are no pixels
(mode = ql)
ERROR: No images to combine
"pclip=pclip, grow=0)"
line 47: ccdred$zerocombine.cl
called as: `zerocombine ()'
[/code:1:de38a6b967]but the files are clearly there with the correct keywords.A [b:de38a6b967]d_trace[/b:de38a6b967] produces[code:1:de38a6b967]
----- task cl - line 1 (CALL) -----
1 77+6: call zerocombine
1 83+3: exec
----- exec script zerocombine (ccdred$zerocombine.cl) - line 1 -----
----- task zerocombine - line 33 (PUSHPARAM) -----
33 89+5: pushparam input
List of zero level images to combine (zero*):
33 94+4: assign ims
36 98+5: pushparam process
36 103+6: pushconst yes
36 109+3: eq
36 112+4: biff +49
40 165+5: call combine
1: CALL combine
40 170+4: pushparam ims
40 174+4: posargset 0
40 178+5: pushparam output
40 183+5: absargset output
40 188+7: pushconst `'
40 195+5: absargset plfile
40 200+7: pushconst `'
40 207+5: absargset sigma
40 212+5: pushparam combine
40 217+5: absargset combine
41 222+5: pushparam reject
41 227+5: absargset reject
41 232+5: pushparam ccdtype
41 237+5: absargset ccdtype
41 242+6: pushconst no
41 248+5: absargset subsets
41 253+5: pushparam delete
41 258+5: absargset delete
42 263+5: pushparam clobber
42 268+5: absargset clobber
42 273+6: pushconst no
42 279+5: absargset project
42 284+8: pushconst `real'
42 292+5: absargset outtype
42 297+8: pushconst `none'
42 305+5: absargset offsets
43 310+8: pushconst `none'
43 318+6: absargset masktype
43 324+5: pushparam blank
43 329+5: absargset blank
43 334+5: pushparam scale
43 339+5: absargset scale
43 344+8: pushconst `none'
43 352+5: absargset zero
43 357+6: pushconst no
43 363+5: absargset weight
44 368+5: pushparam statsec
44 373+5: absargset statsec
44 378+6: pushconst INDEF
44 384+6: absargset lthreshold
44 390+6: pushconst INDEF
44 396+6: absargset hthreshold
44 402+5: pushparam nlow
44 407+5: absargset nlow
45 412+5: pushparam nhigh
45 417+5: absargset nhigh
45 422+5: pushparam nkeep
45 427+5: absargset nkeep
45 432+5: pushparam mclip
45 437+5: absargset mclip
45 442+5: pushparam lsigma
45 447+5: absargset lsigma
45 452+5: pushparam hsigma
45 457+5: absargset hsigma
46 462+5: pushparam rdnoise
46 467+5: absargset rdnoise
46 472+5: pushparam gain
46 477+5: absargset gain
46 482+5: pushparam snoise
46 487+5: absargset snoise
46 492+6: pushconst 0.1
46 498+6: absargset sigscale
47 504+5: pushparam pclip
47 509+5: absargset pclip
47 514+6: pushconst 0
47 520+5: absargset grow
47 525+3: exec
----- exec external task combine - line 48 -----
----- task combine - line 1115 (INSPECT) -----
1115 531+6: inspect instrument
1115 537+3: end
----- task combine - line 1116 (CALL) -----
1116 531+5: call error
1: CALL error
1116 536+6: pushconst 1
1116 542+4: posargset 0
1116 546+12: pushconst `No images to combine'
1116 558+4: posargset 1
1116 562+3: exec
----- exec builtin error : line 1116 -----
----- disconnect noaobin$x_ccdred.e -----
ERROR: No images to combine
cl_error: abort=1 trace=1 flpr=1
cl_error: code=1 do_err=1 errtype=1/1 task='zerocombine'
"pclip=pclip, grow=0)"
line 47: ccdred$zerocombine.cl
called as: `zerocombine ()'[/code:1:de38a6b967]
In case it helps, here is my [b:de38a6b967]ccdproc[/b:de38a6b967] too[code:1:de38a6b967]
PACKAGE = ccdred
TASK = ccdprocimages = *.fits List of CCD images to correct
(output = ) List of output CCD images
(ccdtype= ) CCD image type to correct
(max_cac= 0) Maximum image caching memory (in Mbytes)
(noproc = no) List processing steps only?(fixpix = no) Fix bad CCD lines and columns?
(oversca= yes) Apply overscan strip correction?
(trim = yes) Trim the image?
(zerocor= no) Apply zero level correction?
(darkcor= no) Apply dark count correction?
(flatcor= no) Apply flat field correction?
(illumco= no) Apply illumination correction?
(fringec= no) Apply fringe correction?
(readcor= no) Convert zero level image to readout correction?
(scancor= no) Convert flat field image to scan correction?(readaxi= line) Read out axis (column|line)
(fixfile= ) File describing the bad lines and columns
(biassec= image) Overscan strip image section
(trimsec= image) Trim data section
(zero = ) Zero level calibration image
(dark = ) Dark count calibration image
(flat = ) Flat field images
(illum = ) Illumination correction images
(fringe = ) Fringe correction images
(minrepl= 1.) Minimum flat field value
(scantyp= shortscan) Scan type (shortscan|longscan)
(nscan = 1) Number of short scan lines(interac= yes) Fit overscan interactively?
(functio= legendre) Fitting function
(order = 6) Number of polynomial terms or spline pieces
(sample = *) Sample points to fit
(naverag= 1) Number of sample points to combine
(niterat= 1) Number of rejection iterations
(low_rej= 4.) Low sigma rejection factor
(high_re= 4.) High sigma rejection factor
(grow = 0.) Rejection growing radius
(mode = ql)
[/code:1:de38a6b967]and [b:de38a6b967]imcombine[/b:de38a6b967][code:1:de38a6b967]
PACKAGE = immatch
TASK = imcombineinput = List of images to combine
output = List of output images
(headers= ) List of header files (optional)
(bpmasks= ) List of bad pixel masks (optional)
(rejmask= ) List of rejection masks (optional)
(nrejmas= ) List of number rejected masks (optional)
(expmask= ) List of exposure masks (optional)
(sigmas = ) List of sigma images (optional)
(logfile= STDOUT) Log file(combine= average) Type of combine operation
(reject = none) Type of rejection
(project= no) Project highest dimension of input images?
(outtype= real) Output image pixel datatype
(outlimi= ) Output limits (x1 x2 y1 y2 ...)
(offsets= none) Input image offsets
(masktyp= none) Mask type
(maskval= 0) Mask value
(blank = 0.) Value if there are no pixels(scale = none) Image scaling
(zero = none) Image zero point offset
(weight = none) Image weights
(statsec= ) Image section for computing statistics
(expname= ) Image header exposure time keyword(lthresh= INDEF) Lower threshold
(hthresh= INDEF) Upper threshold
(nlow = 1) minmax: Number of low pixels to reject
(nhigh = 1) minmax: Number of high pixels to reject
(nkeep = 1) Minimum to keep (pos) or maximum to reject (neg)
(mclip = yes) Use median in sigma clipping algorithms?
(lsigma = 3.) Lower sigma clipping factor
(hsigma = 3.) Upper sigma clipping factor
(rdnoise= 0.) ccdclip: CCD readout noise (electrons)
(gain = 1.) ccdclip: CCD gain (electrons/DN)
(snoise = 0.) ccdclip: Sensitivity noise (fraction)
(sigscal= 0.1) Tolerance for sigma clipping scaling corrections
(pclip = -0.5) pclip: Percentile clipping parameter
(grow = 0.) Radius (pixels) for neighbor rejection
(mode = ql)
[/code:1:de38a6b967]The files are there... here's my directory[code:1:de38a6b967]
comp166.fits dflat142.fits obj204.fits
comp167.fits dflat143.fits obj205.fits
comp168.fits dflat144.fits obj206.fits
comp173.fits dflat145.fits obj207.fits
comp174.fits dflat146.fits obj208.fits
comp181.fits dflat147.fits obj209.fits
comp182.fits dflat148.fits obj210.fits
comp198.fits dflat149.fits obj211.fits
comp215.fits dflat150.fits obj212.fits
comp218.fits dflat151.fits obj213.fits
comp223.fits logfile obj214.fits
dflat112.fits obj163.fits obj216.fits
dflat113.fits obj164.fits obj217.fits
dflat114.fits obj165.fits obj219.fits
dflat115.fits obj169.fits obj220.fits
dflat116.fits obj170.fits obj221.fits
dflat117.fits obj171.fits obj222.fits
dflat118.fits obj172.fits zero152.fits
dflat119.fits obj177.fits zero153.fits
dflat120.fits obj178.fits zero154.fits
dflat121.fits obj179.fits zero155.fits
dflat122.fits obj180.fits zero156.fits
dflat123.fits obj184.fits zero157.fits
dflat124.fits obj185.fits zero158.fits
dflat125.fits obj186.fits zero159.fits
dflat126.fits obj187.fits zero160.fits
dflat127.fits obj188.fits zero161.fits
dflat128.fits obj189.fits zero162.fits
dflat129.fits obj190.fits zero224.fits
dflat130.fits obj191.fits zero225.fits
dflat131.fits obj192.fits zero226.fits
dflat132.fits obj193.fits zero227.fits
dflat133.fits obj194.fits zero228.fits
dflat134.fits obj195.fits zero229.fits
dflat135.fits obj196.fits zero230.fits
dflat136.fits obj197.fits zero231.fits
dflat137.fits obj199.fits zero232.fits
dflat138.fits obj200.fits zero233.fits
dflat139.fits obj201.fits zero234.fits
dflat140.fits obj202.fits
dflat141.fits obj203.fits
[/code:1:de38a6b967]and their IMAGETYP values[code:1:de38a6b967]
comp166.fits other
comp167.fits other
comp168.fits other
comp173.fits other
comp174.fits other
comp181.fits other
comp182.fits other
comp198.fits other
comp215.fits other
comp218.fits other
comp223.fits other
dflat112.fits flat
dflat113.fits flat
dflat114.fits flat
dflat115.fits flat
dflat116.fits flat
dflat117.fits flat
dflat118.fits flat
dflat119.fits flat
dflat120.fits flat
dflat121.fits flat
dflat122.fits flat
dflat123.fits flat
dflat124.fits flat
dflat125.fits flat
dflat126.fits flat
dflat127.fits flat
dflat128.fits flat
dflat129.fits flat
dflat130.fits flat
dflat131.fits flat
dflat132.fits flat
dflat133.fits flat
dflat134.fits flat
dflat135.fits flat
dflat136.fits flat
dflat137.fits flat
dflat138.fits flat
dflat139.fits flat
dflat140.fits flat
dflat141.fits flat
dflat142.fits flat
dflat143.fits flat
dflat144.fits flat
dflat145.fits flat
dflat146.fits flat
dflat147.fits flat
dflat148.fits flat
dflat149.fits flat
dflat150.fits flat
dflat151.fits flat
obj163.fits object
obj164.fits object
obj165.fits object
obj169.fits object
obj170.fits object
obj171.fits object
obj172.fits object
obj177.fits object
obj178.fits object
obj179.fits object
obj180.fits object
obj184.fits object
obj185.fits object
obj186.fits object
obj187.fits object
obj188.fits object
obj189.fits object
obj190.fits object
obj191.fits object
obj192.fits object
obj193.fits object
obj194.fits object
obj195.fits object
obj196.fits object
obj197.fits object
obj199.fits object
obj200.fits object
obj201.fits object
obj202.fits object
obj203.fits object
obj204.fits object
obj205.fits object
obj206.fits object
obj207.fits object
obj208.fits object
obj209.fits object
obj210.fits object
obj211.fits object
obj212.fits object
obj213.fits object
obj214.fits object
obj216.fits object
obj217.fits object
obj219.fits object
obj220.fits object
obj221.fits object
obj222.fits object
zero152.fits bias
zero153.fits bias
zero154.fits bias
zero155.fits bias
zero156.fits bias
zero157.fits bias
zero158.fits bias
zero159.fits bias
zero160.fits bias
zero161.fits bias
zero162.fits bias
zero224.fits bias
zero225.fits bias
zero226.fits bias
zero227.fits bias
zero228.fits bias
zero229.fits bias
zero230.fits bias
zero231.fits bias
zero232.fits bias
zero233.fits bias
zero234.fits bias
[/code:1:de38a6b967]At this point I'm checking whitespace and stuff in the keywords to see if makes any difference but so far none. Jason

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  
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Hi Jason,The value you specify for ccdtype is not the the literal value of the imagetyp keyword. There is a translation that takes place between what the ccdred package defines for image types and what is used in the headers. The ccdtype value for a bias is "zero". You can't change that. What you change is the instrument translation file to map what ccdred calls "zero" into whatever the data used to identify a bias. In you case you would need a translation file with something like[code:1:4cf24311b1]
bias zero
[/code:1:4cf24311b1]in the instrument translation file. See "help instruments". Whenever you deal with the instrument translation mechanism it is useful to verify that ccdred understands your data by using ccdlist. If the zero type is understood correctly you would see [zero] as part of the output from ccdlist for your bias images.I hope I have not misunderstood your situation.Yours,
Frank Valdes

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  

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Registered: 07/14/2008
Posts: 6
I am having problems when trying to use darkcombine and zerocombine commands.
This is what I get when using the darkcombine command:ccdred> darkcombine
List of dark images to combine (dark_v_001.fit, dark_v_002.fit):
ERROR: No images to combine
"pclip=pclip, grow=0)"
line 47: ccdred$darkcombine.cl
called as: `darkcombine ()'I have been reading at some other posts about similar problems, but none of the solutions proposed seems to work for me.
Any ideas?

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  

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Registered: 07/21/2008
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I am having a similar problem with both tasks.
I use zerocombine with the following par:
PACKAGE = ccdred
TASK = zerocombineinput = @bias.lst List of zero level images to combine
(output = bias_med.fit) Output zero level name
(combine= median) Type of combine operation
(reject = minmax) Type of rejection
(ccdtype= ) CCD image type to combine
(process= no) Process images before combining?
(delete = no) Delete input images after combining?
(clobber= no) Clobber existing output image?
(scale = none) Image scaling
(statsec= ) Image section for computing statistics
(nlow = 0) minmax: Number of low pixels to reject
(nhigh = 1) minmax: Number of high pixels to reject
(nkeep = 1) Minimum to keep (pos) or maximum to reject (neg)
(mclip = yes) Use median in sigma clipping algorithms?
(lsigma = 3.) Lower sigma clipping factor
(hsigma = 3.) Upper sigma clipping factor
(rdnoise= 0.) ccdclip: CCD readout noise (electrons)
(gain = 2.63) ccdclip: CCD gain (electrons/DN)
(snoise = 0.) ccdclip: Sensitivity noise (fraction)
(pclip = -0.5) pclip: Percentile clipping parameter
(blank = 0.) Value if there are no pixels
(mode = ql)

and i get this error:
Warning: Invalid image section (bias_b_001.fit[765,510][ushort][none]:bias)
Warning: Invalid image section (bias_b_002.fit[765,510][ushort][none]:bias)
Warning: Invalid image section (bias_b_003.fit[765,510][ushort][none]:bias)
Warning: Invalid image section (bias_b_004.fit[765,510][ushort][none]:bias)
Warning: Invalid image section (bias_b_005.fit[765,510][ushort][none]:bias)
Warning: Invalid image section (bias_b_006.fit[765,510][ushort][none]:bias)
Warning: Invalid image section (bias_b_007.fit[765,510][ushort][none]:bias)
Warning: Invalid image section (bias_b_008.fit[765,510][ushort][none]:bias)
Warning: Invalid image section (bias_b_009.fit[765,510][ushort][none]:bias)
Warning: Invalid image section (bias_b_010.fit[765,510][ushort][none]:bias)
ERROR on line 46: No images to combine
zerocombine (mode=h)
I use darkcombine with the following par:
PACKAGE = ccdred
TASK = darkcombine
input = @dark.lst List of dark images to combine
(output = darkmed.fit) Output dark image root name
(combine= median) Type of combine operation
(reject = minmax) Type of rejection
(ccdtype= ) CCD image type to combine
(process= yes) Process images before combining?
(delete = no) Delete input images after combining?
(clobber= no) Clobber existing output image?
(scale = exposure) Image scaling
(statsec= ) Image section for computing statistics
(nlow = 0) minmax: Number of low pixels to reject
(nhigh = 1) minmax: Number of high pixels to reject
(nkeep = 1) Minimum to keep (pos) or maximum to reject (neg)
(mclip = yes) Use median in sigma clipping algorithms?
(lsigma = 3.) Lower sigma clipping factor
(hsigma = 3.) Upper sigma clipping factor
(rdnoise= 0.) ccdclip: CCD readout noise (electrons)
(gain = 2.63) ccdclip: CCD gain (electrons/DN)
(snoise = 0.) ccdclip: Sensitivity noise (fraction)
(pclip = -0.5) pclip: Percentile clipping parameter
(blank = 0.) Value if there are no pixels
(mode = ql)
and I get this error:ERROR on line 46: Cannot open image (Zero)
darkcombine (mode=h)
Thanks for any help, Pat

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  
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Pat,The second error with darkcombine comes from the fact that process=yes which means it first wants to process the images with ccdproc. The ccdproc parameters apply in this case. It appears to be looking for the bias image Zero. So the second error is probably a consequence of the first error.I can't spot a problem with the zerocombine parameters. However, I would need to see the contents of the input list file. If the image specifications have image sections that might explain the error.The best way to figure this out might be to use the d_trace toggle command to turn on the verbose output when zerocombine is run. This would give the exact command given to combine, which is the underlying task being used.Yours,
Frank Valdes

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  
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Cristian,I'm not sure if you really done the usual solution to the error you report. Try using the command[code:1:fd410876d3]
darkcombine ccdtype=""
Frank Valdes

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  

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Registered: 07/14/2008
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Frank, I have run the zerocombine task inputing the images one by one instead of directing the input to a txt file containing the list of images and it's worked. I don't get what the error was and i'd like to understand it, help please?Thanks, Cristian

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  
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Cristian,Please be more specific by giving an example of what commands you use. Redirect and one-by-one are not clear to me.Frank

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  

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Registered: 07/14/2008
Posts: 6
Sorry about that, I meant the following parameters for zerocombine:input = *.fit (all fit files in folder instead of a .txt list of images containing the names of the files i need combined)
output = bias_median.fiteverything else is the same as duck_85's. This way it works, but when i use a list like so:input = @biaslist.txt
output = bias_median.fitwhere the list includes:
it shows the error i posted before.Sorry, thanks again, Cristian

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 10/24/2007 05:29PM  
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Aha,Your list needs to be a list of files without the stuff about size, type, etc. You must have ccdlist to create the file. Instead you should use[code:1:4502d9f57c]
cl> sections bais_b*fit > biaslist.txt
cl> type biaslist.txt

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 12/07/2016 10:29PM  

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Registered: 12/07/2016
Posts: 3
I ran into the same problem and this is what I have done:



Change parameters to ccdproc

\$this->_split2($m[0])epar ccdproc

PACKAGE = ccdred
TASK = ccdproc

images = List of CCD images to correct
(output = ) List of output CCD images
(ccdtype= zero) CCD image type to correct
(max_cac= 0) Maximum image caching memory (in Mbytes)
(noproc = no) List processing steps only?

(fixpix = no) Fix bad CCD lines and columns?
(oversca= no) Apply overscan strip correction?
(trim = no) Trim the image?
(zerocor= no) Apply zero level correction?
(darkcor= no) Apply dark count correction?
(flatcor= no) Apply flat field correction?
(illumco= no) Apply illumination correction?
(fringec= no) Apply fringe correction?
(readcor= no) Convert zero level image to readout correction?
(scancor= no) Convert flat field image to scan correction?

(readaxi= line) Read out axis (column|line)
(fixfile= ) File describing the bad lines and columns
(biassec= ) Overscan strip image section
(trimsec= ) Trim data section
(zero = ) Zero level calibration image
(dark = ) Dark count calibration image
(flat = ) Flat field images
(illum = ) Illumination correction images
(fringe = ) Fringe correction images
(minrepl= 1.) Minimum flat field value
(scantyp= shortscan) Scan type (shortscan|longscan)
(nscan = 1) Number of short scan lines

(interac= no) Fit overscan interactively?
(functio= legendre) Fitting function
(order = 1) Number of polynomial terms or spline pieces
(sample = *) Sample points to fit
(naverag= 1) Number of sample points to combine
(niterat= 1) Number of rejection iterations
(low_rej= 3.) Low sigma rejection factor
(high_re= 3.) High sigma rejection factor
(grow = 0.) Rejection growing radius
(mode = ql)

Change parameters to zerocombine

\$this->_split2($m[0])epar zerocombine

PACKAGE = ccdred
TASK = zerocombine

input = *.fits List of zero level images to combine
(output = BIAS) Output zero level name
(combine= median) Type of combine operation
(reject = avsigclip) Type of rejection
(ccdtype= zero) CCD image type to combine
(process= no) Process images before combining?
(delete = no) Delete input images after combining?
(clobber= no) Clobber existing output image?
(scale = none) Image scaling
(statsec= ) Image section for computing statistics
(nlow = 0) minmax: Number of low pixels to reject
(nhigh = 1) minmax: Number of high pixels to reject
(nkeep = 1) Minimum to keep (pos) or maximum to reject (neg)
(mclip = yes) Use median in sigma clipping algorithms?
(lsigma = 3.) Lower sigma clipping factor
(hsigma = 3.) Upper sigma clipping factor
(rdnoise= 0.) ccdclip: CCD readout noise (electrons)
(gain = 1.) ccdclip: CCD gain (electrons/DN)
(snoise = 0.) ccdclip: Sensitivity noise (fraction)
(pclip = -0.5) pclip: Percentile clipping parameter
(blank = 0.) Value if there are no pixels
(mode = ql)

And then run zerocombine.

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