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 to create the table I want (new question!, now)
 06/22/2007 03:27PM (Read 3803 times)  

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Registered: 01/18/2007
Posts: 27
Hi, just a simple question:
I have to create a table (and I use tcreate) from an ASCII file, but in that file there are 4 columns, and I want only to create the table with 3 of these.How can I do, in a script, without editing by hand the table?

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 06/22/2007 03:27PM  

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Registered: 09/30/2005
Posts: 4040
Use the FIELDS task to extract only columns you need, i.e.[code:1:e6be3c3ca6]cl> fields myfile.in "1,2,4" > myfile.out[/code:1:e6be3c3ca6]would extract columns 1, 2 and 4 -- you'd run tcreate on the output.-Mike

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 06/22/2007 03:27PM  

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Registered: 01/18/2007
Posts: 27
ok, but now I have a little problem:
I have to run rimcursor, and I use several key to identify different things in a spectrum.
I have to identify more then 10 different things (I mean keys!!) so I have to use not only the numbers (0..9) but also letters.
The problem is that I need to create a table (and you expalined to me how to) and to compute several operation with an 'if' condition on the keys I used before.
For example, if the key was '1' than compute this operation, if 'a' than compute this other, and so on.
But with tcalc I cannot use string parameter in the 'if' condition, I should use numbers. So I should change every letter-key with a number-key (starting with 10, becouse I have already used 0...9) and then I can use tcalc.Does exist a way to do this automatically (without editing by hand the output of rimcursor), or can I compute something with an 'if' condition on a string key??
Thank you!

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 06/22/2007 03:27PM  

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Registered: 09/30/2005
Posts: 4040
I'm not quite sure I understand exactly what you're doing but maybe the following will help. First, TCALC can't use strings within an expression so you can't really trigger off of that column directly, although I'm not sure what you gain by having the cursor file in a table anyway. Normally what you would do is process the cursor file by either passing it in to a task 'cursor' parameter so you can run the task in batch mode, or process it as a list (e.g. the commands you typed mean something to you but wouldn't to another task). For example,[code:1:d23222c7f6]
rimcur (> "cur.txt") # create cursor file
list = "cur.txt"
while (fscan (list, x, y, z, s1) != EOF) { # read the list
if (s1 == "a") {
....do something
} else if (s1 == "4") {
....do something else
....and so on
[/code:1:d23222c7f6]Here you use the built-in CL x/y/z parameters to read the position an WCS, and store the command in the 's1' string. Does this help?Cheers,

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