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 problem with the identify task in script
Anonymous: Guest
 11/04/2005 07:35PM (Read 2685 times)  

Hello Simone,This is a common "gotcha". The IDENTIFY task reads input from the
cursor, from parameters, and from the standard input of the task. It
is this last part, where it asks for such things as the wavelength,
that causes problems with the simplest way to invoke a script. I
suspect you are doing something like: cl> cl < myscript.clIn this case you are redirecting the standard input of the CL from
the terminal to the script file which then causes the problem you
have. There is an easy solution. You must declare the script as a
task as follows: cl> task $myscript = <path>myscript.cl
cl> myscript # This runs the scriptThe script must use the .cl extension. The path, such as home$, is
optional but if you don't specify a path then the script will only
run in the directory where the script file is located. The first $
in the task statement says that the script does not have parameters.
Note there are other ways to write scripts, which also use the task
statement to define them, that include parameters and is more like a
programing language (see http://iraf.noao.edu/iraf/ftp/iraf/docs/
script.pdf).To repeat, IDENTIFY cannot be used in a script that is executed by
redirection to the cl but can be used in other forms script invocations.Yours,
Frank ValdesOn Oct 28, 2005, at 9:02 AM, Simone Antoniucci wrote:> Dear Sirs,
> I am writing some IRAF scripts involving the use of the task
> "identify".
> I would like to use the task interactively, as when it is launched
> from
> the command line.
> Everything works fine at the beginning: the task is launched and the
> graphical window pops up, waiting for the interactive commands. The
> problem is that whenever I try to mark some features using the "m" key
> the task does not allow me to type in the wavelength, just as if the
> enter key is automatically hit, so that the feature wavelength remains
> INDEF. Trying to hit "u" to enter the wavelength is of no help.
> The keystrokes and colon commands work fine, but there is no way of
> typing in the wavelength for marked features.
> I also tried to launch identify through a simple script with just a
> line: "identify", and I noticed that at the end (being the "autowrite"
> parameter set to "no") the script does not stop waiting for my answer,
> but it gets the last entry and directly exits; also this behaviour
> suggests that it is just like an enter command is automatically
> sent to
> the task.
> Could you give me any suggestion on how to solve this problem?
> Thank you for all the help you may provide.
> with best regards
> simone antoniucci

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