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 finder package demo
Anonymous: Guest
 11/15/1996 09:32PM (Read 144 times)  

Howdy,The new finder update is just about ready for a demo/beta testing.
I'd hoped to have it ready this week, but between KP duties and a
couple of ADASS papers this isn't going to happen. Lindsey also
added some functionality to ccmap this week that I've now taken
advantage of to more tightly integrate the interactive image
display centering and the ccmap plate solution.We're having a new roof put on (or rather the old one taken off)
on Monday, so I suggest a demo for Tuesday morning. We can either
congregate or I can wander from office to office, whatever you want.
New features: o support for DSS format images ("dssfinder")
- only need to supply the image name
- predicts catalog X/Y's very closely
- variable (but small) rotation remains from plate tracing
o integrated support for ccmap plate fitting
- "f" keystroke from within tpeak display
- sources deleted from fit are also deleted from image display
- program object RA/Dec's are added to table
o WCS can be added to image header
- note that only some fits are compatible with WCS
o adjust rotation angle within tpeak
- also can adjust X/Y shifts and plate scales
o can page current log information from within tpeak
- ":show" lists plate and region information
- objects and current subset listed separately
o dssfinder/tfinder are much easier to exit and re-enter
- ":show" makes this typically unnecessary, however
o can restrict overlay to a subsample of catalog sources
- feature suggested by Lindsey
- speeds up graphics significantly
- only applies to display, all sources included in fits, etc.
o can toggle autodisplay on/off following recentering
- speeds up graphics
- allows overlaying centered and original positions
o can center sources automatically when starting tpeak
- can also use tpeak non-interactively
Still to come: o updated help pages
o tastrom will remain, astrom will be separately distributed
- folks may well find the ccmap fits sufficient
- this removes the biggest headache of distributing the package
Need your input for: o using objects as secondary standards
- all the plumbing is there, but how best to access this?
o using fitted coordinates for recentering catalog sources
- again, plumbing is there, but (how) would you use it?
o final output format for the program object coordinates
- can print out whatever you need from the table, of course
o appropriate parameter defaults, etc.
No change: o no direct access to DSS getimage
- this is a bottomless pit
- expended a large amount of time on this
o graphics still uses tvmark
- we investigated several options for speeding up
o selectpars has not changed
- very creaky interface
o no distinction between centered and uncentered objects
- could benefit from another color circleProbably forgot a few things. I'm sure you'll let me know if your
favorite feature is missing (beyond getimage), or if you object to
any of this.Rob

Anonymous: Guest
 11/15/1996 09:32PM  

Hi Rob,This sounds great! Any way to do this on a day other than
Tuesday = Science Day? If not, I'll try to catch up with you
on some separate occasion.Thanks,


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