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 help with telluric task
Anonymous: Guest
 03/17/2006 06:54AM (Read 3152 times)  

Dear Staff of IRAF,Could you please help me to fix the following problem? When I try to run a task of TELLURIC in "onedsp" package,
I meet the following warning, and the task stops. Warning: Image header parameter not found (EXTVER)I cannot understand what is wrong in header.
So please help me to solve the problem.I greatly appreciate for your kind help and suggestion.
Best regards,Masahide Takada-Hidai
2006/3/17PS:As for the example header of fits files which we are analyzing,
it is shown below;
hd22468_050811_A_N,i_ctime = 827058584
hd22468_050811_A_N,i_history =
hd22468_050811_A_N,i_limtime = 827058583
hd22468_050811_A_N,i_maxpixval = 0.
hd22468_050811_A_N,i_minpixval = 0.
hd22468_050811_A_N,i_mtime = 827058584
hd22468_050811_A_N,i_naxis = 2
hd22468_050811_A_N,i_naxis1 = 4096
hd22468_050811_A_N,i_naxis2 = 9
hd22468_050811_A_N,i_pixfile = hd22468_050811_A_N.fits
hd22468_050811_A_N,i_pixtype = 6
hd22468_050811_A_N,i_title = "FF by direct Flat_N8000"
hd22468_050811_A_N,EXTEND = F
hd22468_050811_A_N,ORIGIN = "NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel December 2001"
hd22468_050811_A_N,OBJECT = "FF by direct Flat_N8000"
hd22468_050811_A_N,DATE = 2006-03-17T01:29:44
hd22468_050811_A_N,IRAF-TLM = "10:29:44 (17/03/2006)"
hd22468_050811_A_N,BUNIT = ADU
hd22468_050811_A_N,BLANK = -32768
hd22468_050811_A_N,BIN-FCT1 = 1
hd22468_050811_A_N,BIN-FCT2 = 1
hd22468_050811_A_N,EFP-MIN1 = 1
hd22468_050811_A_N,EFP-RNG1 = 2048
hd22468_050811_A_N,EFP-MIN2 = 1
hd22468_050811_A_N,EFP-RNG2 = 4096
hd22468_050811_A_N,DATA-TYP = OBJECT
hd22468_050811_A_N,RA = 03:36:43.3
hd22468_050811_A_N,DEC = +00:34:24
hd22468_050811_A_N,EQUINOX = 2000.
hd22468_050811_A_N,OBSERVER = Anonymous
hd22468_050811_A_N,DATE-OBS = 2005-08-11
hd22468_050811_A_N,EXPTIME = 1800.
hd22468_050811_A_N,UT = 19:20:41.3
hd22468_050811_A_N,UT-STR = 19:05:41.3
hd22468_050811_A_N,UT-END = 19:35:41.3
hd22468_050811_A_N,JST = 28:20:41.3
hd22468_050811_A_N,JST-STR = 28:05:41.3
hd22468_050811_A_N,JST-END = 28:35:41.3
hd22468_050811_A_N,LST = 01:36:28.225
hd22468_050811_A_N,LST-STR = 01:21:26.762
hd22468_050811_A_N,LST-END = 01:51:31.734
hd22468_050811_A_N,HA = -02:00:14.933
hd22468_050811_A_N,HA-STR = -02:15:16.886
hd22468_050811_A_N,HA-END = -01:45:10.655
hd22468_050811_A_N,SECZ = 1.393
hd22468_050811_A_N,SECZ-STR = 1.451
hd22468_050811_A_N,SECZ-END = 1.345
hd22468_050811_A_N,OBSERVAT = Okayama-NAOJ
hd22468_050811_A_N,TELESCOP = 188cm-Reflector
hd22468_050811_A_N,FOC-POS = Coude
hd22468_050811_A_N,F-RATIO = 29.
hd22468_050811_A_N,FOC-VAL = 619.
hd22468_050811_A_N,INSTRUME = HIDES
hd22468_050811_A_N,FILTER01 = R-60
hd22468_050811_A_N,FILTER02 = NONE
hd22468_050811_A_N,SLT-WID = 251.298
hd22468_050811_A_N,SLT-LEN = 3.604
hd22468_050811_A_N,DETECTOR = EEV42-80
hd22468_050811_A_N,DETPXSZ1 = 0.0135
hd22468_050811_A_N,DETPXSZ2 = 0.0135
hd22468_050811_A_N,GAIN = 4.2
hd22468_050811_A_N,DOM-TSTR = 0.
hd22468_050811_A_N,DOM-TEND = 0.
hd22468_050811_A_N,DOM-PSTR = 0.
hd22468_050811_A_N,DOM-PEND = 0.
hd22468_050811_A_N,IMR-STR = 53.70301
hd22468_050811_A_N,IMR-END = 46.17737
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_IRESTR = 9473.
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_IREEND = 9473.
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_IMRMOD = Stop
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_OBSMOD = Normal
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_I2TEMP = 55.
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_FLAT_1 = OFF
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_FLT_P1 = 200.
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_FLAT_2 = OFF
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_FLT_P2 = 200.
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_FLAT_3 = OFF
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_FLT_P3 = 0.
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_SLMSKL = 1.504
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_SLMSKR = 1.5
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_HRTMNN = OPEN
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_CROSSD = RED
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_CD_ANG = 1.16
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_FOCUS = 1.25
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_PITCH = -0.1
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_YAW = 0.2
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_CCDCTL = MessiaV
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_CCDDSP = 105630
hd22468_050811_A_N,Z_CCDCMC = 220007S
hd22468_050811_A_N,APSCATTE = "Scattered light subtracted"
hd22468_050811_A_N,BANDID1 = "spectrum - background none, weights none, clean no"
hd22468_050811_A_N,WCSDIM = 2
hd22468_050811_A_N,CTYPE1 = MULTISPE
hd22468_050811_A_N,CTYPE2 = MULTISPE
hd22468_050811_A_N,CDELT1 = 1.
hd22468_050811_A_N,CDELT2 = 1.
hd22468_050811_A_N,CD1_1 = 1.
hd22468_050811_A_N,CD2_2 = 1.
hd22468_050811_A_N,LTM1_1 = 1.
hd22468_050811_A_N,LTM2_2 = 1.
hd22468_050811_A_N,WAT0_001 = system=multispec
hd22468_050811_A_N,WAT1_001 = "wtype=multispec label=Wavelength units=angstroms"
hd22468_050811_A_N,WAT2_001 = "wtype=multispec spec1 = "1 22 0 9385.7409173076 0.04207096738816 409"
hd22468_050811_A_N,WAT2_002 = "6 0. 200.18 215.48" spec2 = "2 23 0 9232.3330718471 0.04091585732900"
hd22468_050811_A_N,WAT2_003 = "3 4096 0. 451.06 465.12" spec3 = "3 24 0 9083.390989263 0.0399506284"
hd22468_050811_A_N,WAT2_004 = "60509 4096 0. 693.51 708.98" spec4 = "4 25 0 8939.1381999237 0.03922"
hd22468_050811_A_N,WAT2_005 = "5134750779 4096 0. 929.44 943.95" spec5 = "5 26 0 8799.565723661 0.0"
hd22468_050811_A_N,WAT2_006 = "3871676492098 4096 0. 1155.77 1174.95" spec6 = "6 27 0 8664.47512727"
hd22468_050811_A_N,WAT2_007 = "69 0.038343861935497 4096 0. 1377.12 1396.89" spec7 = "7 28 0 8533.5"
hd22468_050811_A_N,WAT2_008 = "123554419 0.037976266887087 4096 0. 1592.96 1611.04" spec8 = "8 29 0"
hd22468_050811_A_N,WAT2_009 = " 8406.1945620967 0.037443681388534 4096 0. 1801.38 1821.19" spec9 ="
hd22468_050811_A_N,WAT2_010 = ""9 30 0 8281.9315755741 0.036542357485978 4096 0. 2005.73 2023.75""
hd22468_050811_A_N,DCLOG1 = "REFSPEC1 = comp_47163_E 0.058850255"
hd22468_050811_A_N,DCLOG2 = "REFSPEC2 = comp_47175_E 0.94114977"
hd22468_050811_A_N,SFIT = 1:9
hd22468_050811_A_N,SFITB = 1

 03/17/2006 06:54AM  
Active Member

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Registered: 11/11/2005
Posts: 728
This is an incorrect error message which is masking the true error message. Below is the bug log describing this. So check you parameters extra carefully. If you can't figure out what is wrong try adding an EXTVER keyword with a numeric value such 1. Yours,
Frank Valdes NUMBER: 520
MODULE: onedspec.telluric
SYSTEM: -V2.12.2
DATE: Mon Feb 24 12:18:04 MST 2003
FROM: valdes BUG: When an error, such as invalid parameters or missing images, occurs
the task first does some error clean up operations before reporting the error. The problem with this is that the actual error message can get lost and a isleading message, such as environment variable or image header parameter not found, will be given. Avoid this requires a code change. One way to sometimes get to the true error is to eliminate the misleading error by setting value for the missing evironment or header parameter. Also check carefully
all the task parameters since most error are the result of problems with them. STATUS: The error handling will be improved in the next release.

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