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 Any Tips on Correcting Spatial Dispersion?
 05/24/2024 03:07PM (Read 477 times)  

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Registered: 05/24/2024
Posts: 1
Hi friends, I am an IRAF newbie who is currently at their wits end. I'm attempting to use IRAF to correct some spatial dispersion on an image (dispersion axis in Y). I've been playing around with the fit1d and fitcoords tasks, but I am having trouble applying the results of these tasks (e.g., the actual fitting parameters themselves, which should remove dispersion along Y) to the rest of my data, as the only outputs I get from the tasks are .FITS files. If I try to fit all my data at once to remove Y dispersion (along one column in X for all lines in Y), I end up removing a lot of the spatial variation in my data, which I don't want to do. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions for me? Your help is very much appreciated.

I should note that while fit1d works wonders for me, fitcoords + transform do not. I also probably am not familiar enough with these tasks to use them properly. Who knows?

For reference, I'm using Community IRAF V2.18 with PyRAF 2.1.18. I do everything in the Python/CL command line wrapper in xgterm instead of trying to use Python executables to run things.

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