MODULE: imalign
SYSTEM: -V2.12.1
MODULE:	imalign
SYSTEM:	-V2.12.1
DATE:	Mon Aug 19 11:36:28 MST 2002
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The error 'parameter `    7' not found' may occur, where the number
	may vary.  This is caused by a corruption of the centroiding
	information by the warning messages.  The workaround requires
	making a private copy of the script with a small change:

	cl> immatch			    	# load package
	im> copy immatch$imalign.* home$    	# copy to home directory
	im> edit home$	  	# edit private copy
	  Change: verbose=verbose, >& tmpfile)
	  To:     verbose=verbose, > tmpfile)
        im> redefine imalign=home$    # redefine imalign

	The warnings, which can be ignored, will now appear on the terminal.
	Contact for more information.

STATUS:	The problem is fixed in the next release.

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