MODULE: identify
SYSTEM: V2.9-V2.11.3b
MODULE:	identify
SYSTEM:	V2.9-V2.11.3b
DATE:	Thu Aug  2 09:45:58 MST 2001
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When identified features have labels and when some features are
	deleted during fitting the labels no longer correctly correspond
	with the features.  This only applies to deleting during fitting
	and there is no error when deleting features in the identify
	window.  What happens is that when a feature is deleted during
	fitting the internal list is compressed by shifting the higher
	features down.  But this is not being done with the labels so that
	the label of the deleted feature becomes the label of the next
	feature and all subsequent features also have the wrong label.  The
	result is incorrect labels for the features when labeling is turned
	on for the graphs and in the database files.  There is no effect on
	dispersion calibration.  If one does not care about the labels then
	there is nothing to be concerned about.  There is no work around
	other than to avoid deleting features in the fitting mode or
	editing the database file after the fitting.

STATUS:	Fixed for the next release.

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