MODULE: specplot
SYSTEM: -V2.11.3p1
MODULE:	specplot
SYSTEM:	-V2.11.3p1
DATE:	Mon Aug 14 11:01:13 MST 2000
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	You cannot specify units using the 'units' parameter that consist
	of more than one word.  For example 'log angstroms', 'inv
	centimeter', or 'km/s 4000 ang' will not work.  There is no error
	message and instead the default display units (the 'units_display'
	attribute in the WAT keywords) are used.  The units can be set
	interactively with the ':units' colon command.  If you want to get
	such units running SPECPLOT non-interactively the only workaround
	is to set the 'units_display' attribute.  This can be done either
	with careful header editing (HEDIT or HFIX) or by displaying with
	SPLOT, setting the units, and then writing out the spectrum.

STATUS:	Fixed in future releases.

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