MODULE: apall/apsum
SYSTEM: V2.11.2-V2.11.3 (sparc, ssun, redhat, linux, sol7)
MODULE:	apall/apsum
SYSTEM: V2.11.2-V2.11.3 (sparc, ssun, redhat, linux, sol7)
DATE:	Thu Jan 27 13:32:50 MST 2000
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	This is an addendum to buglog #459.  Another aspect of the incorrect
	source being used is that with 'format=onedspec' the output names
	will be of the form root.0001.0001 instead of root.0001 where the
	root name and the number will differ.  The workarounds are to
	either rename the images after extraction or extract to multispec
	format and use SCOPY to separate the apertures into separate 1D
	images.  As noted in the previous buglog a fixed executable may
	be obtained and installed if desired.

STATUS:	Fixed in future releases.

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