MODULE: crutil.crmedian
SYSTEM: -V1.3: Oct 19, 1999
MODULE:	crutil.crmedian
SYSTEM:	-V1.3: Oct 19, 1999
DATE:	Thu Jan  6 09:28:33 MST 2000
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	If the number of columns in the image is not an exact multiple
	of the sigma block size uninitialized values is used for the
	sigma values at the end of the lines.  This can cause floating
	point exceptions.  The only workaround is to use an image section
	to trim the number of columns in the image to a multiple of
	the sigma block size and adjust the sigma block size to minimimze
	the amount of trimming required.

STATUS:	The is fixed in a new version of the CRUTIL package now available.

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