MODULE: rv.fxcor
SYSTEM: V2.11.3
MODULE:	rv.fxcor
SYSTEM:	V2.11.3
DATE:	Thu Dec 23 13:43:57 MST 1999
FROM:	fitz

BUG:	Images with a DATE-OBS keyword value of the form CCYY-MM-DD with
	no associated time information will cause and floating point 
	exception when computing the heliocentric corrections.

STATUS:	The bug is caused by an incorrect Y2K fix which didn't properly
	check for this form of the DATE-OBS keyword in which the time
	returned as INDEF.  Workarounds include editing the keyword to
	include the UT time information with a command such as

	    hedit *.imh date-obs '(@'date-obs'//'T'//str(@'ut'))'

	A trivial code change and recompilation instructions are available
	by contacting site support.

	Fixed for the next release.

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