MODULE: imedit
SYSTEM: V2.10-V2.11.2
MODULE:	imedit
SYSTEM:	V2.10-V2.11.2
DATE:	Fri Oct  1 09:03:48 MST 1999
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The output image type will be that set by the 'imtype'
	variable regardless of the image type of the input image or any
	explicit image type in the input and output image names.
	When the temporary editing buffer is created it is always created
	with the 'imtype' value and when the output image is created
	from the edited temporary image it retains the image type of
	the temporary image.  The two workarounds are either to set
	'imtype' to the type desired for the output or copy the output
	image to the desired type after it is created.

STATUS:	In the next release if an explicit image type extension is specified
	for the output image name then that image type will be created for
	the temporary editing image and the final output image.  If no
	explicit type is given then the output will be that specified
	by the 'imtype' variable.  In no case is the image type of the
	input image automatically used.

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