MODULE: fitcoords
SYSTEM: V2.10-V2.11.1
MODULE:	fitcoords
SYSTEM:	V2.10-V2.11.1
DATE:	Wed Jul 21 16:52:49 MST 1999
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When the fitting orders are higher than the data allow the task
	should report 'No degrees of freedom' and abort but instead the
	error is not caught and the task proceeds causing various errors
	including segmentation violations, crashing the cl, and
	'task cursor not found'.  One way this can be triggered inadvertently
	is if one forgets to trace the feature(s) with REIDENTIFY.
	The solutions are to remember to trace the features and to use
	orders that are lower than the number of points traced.

STATUS:	In the next release the task will report 'No degrees of freedom'
	and abort rather than mysteriously crashing.  It will also
	report 'Only one line or column measured' and abort if the
	feature(s) have not been traced to other lines or columns.

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