MODULE: splot, fitprofs
SYSTEM: V2.10-V2.11.1
MODULE:	splot, fitprofs
SYSTEM:	V2.10-V2.11.1
DATE:	Thu Feb 12 10:29:40 MST 1998
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	A mixture of profile types in deblending or profile fitting
	may result in a floating point error.  The only mixture that
	will work is if the first profile is 'voigt'.  So what works is all
	profiles of the same type or voigt first plus anything else.  This
	means the only combination that will not work and for which there
	is no workaround is a combination of 'lorentz' and 'gaussian'.

STATUS:	Fixed in the next release.

MODULE:	splot, fitprofs
SYSTEM:	V2.10-V2.11.1
DATE:	Thu Feb 12 11:01:44 MST 1998
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	This is an amendment to buglog 391.  The error reported in buglog
	391 will only occur when computing errors with the bootstrap
	method.  The fitting without the error computation can use any
	combination of profiles.

STATUS:	The error is fixed in the next release.

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