MODULE: astutil.pdm
SYSTEM: -V2.10.4p2
MODULE:	astutil.pdm
SYSTEM:	-V2.10.4p2
DATE:	Tue Oct  1 16:49:49 MST 1996
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When there are fewer than 100 input data points the calculation of
	theta is incorrect.  This is because the calculation does not take
	into account use of overlapping period bins for the small N case.
	The theta plot values will be incorrect (negative) but the shape
	appears to be approximately correct.  It is not clear how the error
	acts in detail.  One workaround is to increase the number of data
	points, say by replication, to greater than 100 points.  Note that
	the shape of the theta curve will be different even if the error
	was not present because of the change in binning from overlapping
	bins to non-overlapping bins.

STATUS:	Fixed for the next release.

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