MODULE: ccdred.ccdproc
MODULE:	ccdred.ccdproc
DATE:	Fri Mar 22 11:43:30 MST 1996
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	If the subset keyword used by CCDPROC (the image header keyword
	defined in the translation file as something such as FILTERS)
	has a value whose first word is longer than 15 characters an error
	will given: 'No flat field calibration image of subset ... found'.
	The two simplest workarounds are to edit the subsets file
	(the file name is in the CCDRED package parameters) so that
	the translation of the subset string given in the first column is a
	short unique name in the second column.  The other solution is to
	edit the image headers with HEDIT to make the first word of the
	subset string be less than 15 characters.

STATUS:	Fixed for the next release.

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