MODULE: identify, ecidentify
SYSTEM: V2.10 - V2.10.4
MODULE:	identify, ecidentify
SYSTEM:	V2.10 - V2.10.4
DATE:	Thu Feb  8 11:23:32 MST 1996
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The 'y' key to find all peaks in a spectrum has a bug where none
	or only some of the peaks will be found.  When any peak, found by a
	peak finding algorithm, fails to be centered then all subsequent
	peaks are skipped.  There is no workaround though adjusting
	parameters that control the centering (threshold, fwidth, cradius,
	minsep) and/or decreasing 'maxfeatures' to find the strongest
	features which should be less likely to fail.

STATUS:	Fixed for the next release.

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