MODULE: onedspec.sbands
SYSTEM: V2.10-V2.10.4
MODULE:	onedspec.sbands
SYSTEM:	V2.10-V2.10.4
DATE:	Fri Jun 30 09:25:30 MST 1995
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When the number of input bandpasses is greater than 10 a segmentation
	violation error occurs.  This is a bug in the memory allocation
	logic of the task.  The workaround is to break up the bandpasses
	into groups of 10 or less (it might work up to 20 but is not

STATUS:	Fixed in later versions.

MODULE:	rv.fxcor
SYSTEM:	V2.10-V2.11.1
DATE:	Thu Apr 22 14:07:13 MST 1999
FROM:	fitz

BUG:	The verbose output listing for a deblended fit reports only the
	first velocity component.  There is no workaround.  The code
	fix required is to edit line 298 of rv$rvvfit.x and change

	from:     call pargd (rv_shift2vel(rv,DBL_SHIFT(rv,1)))
	to:	  call pargd (rv_shift2vel(rv,DBL_SHIFT(rv,i)))

        Contact for instructions on how to update an
        IRAF package, in this case RV.

STATUS: Fixed for next release.

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