MODULE: sarith
MODULE:	sarith
DATE:	Tue Jun 21 14:35:17 MST 1994
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When doing a binary operation with a constant second operand and
	'onedspec' output format the constant used is incorrect due
	to a bug in which the number is used as a real number but is
	actually a double precision number.  The incorrect value can
	be seen in the verbose output.  For example:

	    cl> sarith specin - 48.5 specout format=onedspec verbose+
	    specin[1]  -  3.128906  -->  specout.0001

	The workaround is to use multispec output format for the operation.
	A later SCOPY can then be used to convert formats if desired.

STATUS:	Fixed in V2.11.

MODULE:	apscatter
SYSTEM:	V2.9-V2.10.3
DATE:	Wed May  3 16:50:54 MST 1995
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When not smoothing the scattered light surface along the dispersion,
	smooth=no, and there are multiple apertures the task may abort
	with the error 'Range descriptor undefined'.  This occurs when
	the number of scattered light  points being fit across the
	dispersion changes as the spacing between apertures changes.
	This is probably a rare event.  The only workaround is to
	add the smoothing along the dispersion.

STATUS:	Fixed in after V2.10.3.

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