MODULE: doslit (specred, kpnocoude, kpnoslit)
MODULE:	doslit (specred, kpnocoude, kpnoslit)
DATE:	Tue Jan 24 13:56:11 MST 1995
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	If the first object spectrum has more than one object on the
	slit and apertures are defined for them then after doing
	the dispersion solution on the reference arc the following
	error occurs:

	    ERROR ... - Missing reference for aperture 2

	This is a bug, introduced in V2.10.3BETA, since the intent of the
	task is to allow multiple apertures per long slit spectrum.  It is
	caused by using the apertures from the first object as the
	apertures for the arc reference.  The workarounds are 1) make the
	first object image be one that has only one aperture (other objects
	can have multiple apertures) or 2) when in IDENTIFY doing the arc
	reference dispersion solutions do 'k' after finishing the
	dispersion solution to step to the other (unnecessary) apertures
	and do a solution with 'a' 'c' and 'f' (all center and fit).

STATUS:	Fixed in later versions.

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