MODULE: echelle.doecslit
SYSTEM: V2.10-V2.10.2
MODULE:	echelle.doecslit
SYSTEM:	V2.10-V2.10.2
DATE:	Thu Oct  6 16:21:57 MST 1994
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	DOECSLIT fails to actually use the recentered and (optionally)
	retraced apertures determined for each object spectrum when
	it extracts the orders.  Instead it ignores the object apertures
	and uses the reference spectrum apertures.  This can be seen
	since the actual apertures used for extraction are saved in
	the database and they will be the same as the reference
	aperture.  There are no workarounds other than to modify
	the script or to do the extractions separately with APALL
	and then use DOECSLIT for the remainder of the operations.

STATUS:	This fixed in versions after V2.10.2.

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