MODULE: reidentify
SYSTEM: V2.10-V2.10.3
MODULE:	reidentify
SYSTEM:	V2.10-V2.10.3
DATE:	Thu Sep 15 10:29:50 MST 1994
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	If a step of zero is specified the task will hang in an infinite
	loop.  The way the step is used is to increment/decrement the starting
	line until the ends of the image are reached.  With a step of
	zero this will never happen.  However, if one is interested in
	only reidentifying a single line in a 2D image it seems
	reasonable to set the step to zero.  The actually method is
	to set the step to a very large number.

STATUS:	For the next release the case of a zero step is checked and
	causes REIDENTIFY to only reidentify the reference line in
	other images.

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