MODULE: sarith, scopy
SYSTEM: V2.10.0 - V2.10.2
MODULE:	sarith, scopy
SYSTEM:	V2.10.0 - V2.10.2
DATE:	Wed Jun 29 17:32:20 MST 1994
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	For multispec spectra which have a doppler factor in the coordinate
	system description (a non-zero value for the 7th field following
	the number of pixels) making a copy or doing arithmetic will
	cause the wavelength zero point to be off by a factor of
	1/(1-z*z).  The workarounds are to either avoid introducing
	a doppler factor, accounting for the error, or explicitly
	setting w1,w2 (but note bug #214).

STATUS:	Fixed 10/92 and included in V2.11.

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