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Buglog #234

  • Friday, January 07 1994 @ 04:38 PM GMT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 1,058
MODULE: onedspec.standard
SYSTEM: V2.10-V2.10.2
MODULE:	onedspec.standard
SYSTEM:	V2.10-V2.10.2
DATE:	Fri Jan  7 09:38:51 MST 1994
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When using STANDARD on a long slit spectrum with a dispersion axis
	of 2 (where each column is treated as a spectrum) the task uses the
	length of the second axis rather than the first axis to define the
	number of spectra.  If the second axis length is greater than the
	first axis then the last column is processed repeatedly.  One may
	limit this by using the apertures parameter to specify just the
	columns; i.e. 1-250 in a 250x800 images.  If the number is smaller
	then some of the columns will not be processed.  On workaround is
	to transpose the image but then some fudging of the WCS will be
	necessary.  Another workaround would be to use SCOPY to extract all
	the spectra to a multispec format.

STATUS:	Fixed for the next release.

MODULE:	photcal.mknobsfile,mkobsfile,obsfile
DATE:	Wed Jun 22 17:16:03 MST 1994
FROM:	davis

BUG:	The mknobsfile/mkobsfile/obsfile tasks were omitting stars from the
	output observations file for image sets where there was only a single
	image per image set, and that image was not the last image in the
	image set.

STATUS:	The bug has been fixed in 2.11. One possible work around is to
	set the tolerance parameter to 0, run mknobsfile/mkobsfile/obsfile on
	image sets with only one defined image separately from the other image
	sets, and concatenate the results from the two runs.

MODULE:	fixpix, ccdproc, display
SYSTEM:	V2.11-V2.11.1
DATE:	Fri Jun  5 09:45:47 MST 1998
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When fixing regions by interpolation along columns/across lines,
	which may be set by the user or automatically by finding the
	narrowest direction across a region of bad pixels, it is possible
	to get a segmentation error or error related to referencing invalid
	memory.  Whether this error occurs depends on the contents
	of memory.  If no error occurs the result is correct.

	One workaround is to use only interpolation across columns/along
	lines if this makes sense.  Another workaround is to add a dummy
	region with interpolation along columns covering all the columns.
	For example the first or last line as in '1 3072 1 1' for an image
	with 3072 columns.  It is also possible to break up the operation
	in FIXPIX using multiple passes.  For example if a bad pixel region
	is described by the rectangle '2000 3024 510 512' then two passes
	using '2000 2500 510 512' and '2500 3024 510 512' may work.

STATUS:	Fixed in the next release.

MODULE:	imcombine
SYSTEM:	V2.11-V2.11.3
DATE:	Mon Aug 11 12:13:29 MST 2003
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When specifying a bad pixel mask output with the 'plfile' parameter
	it is possible to get

	    Warning: Operation would overwrite existing image (.pl)

	This occurs when a problem is encountered and the task tries again
	with a different parameters to avoid the problem.  The bug is that
	the pl file is not deleted before tryng again.  This retry behavior
	occurs for several reasons, most commonly when the number of images
	being combined exceeds a limit of about 250 images.  The workaround
	is to 'reset imclobber=yes'.  Note that this resets the clobber
	policy for all IRAF tasks so one should probably reset it to 'no'
	after working around this IMCOMBINE bug.

STATUS:	This is fixed in V2.12.

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