MODULE: ccdred.combine
MODULE:	ccdred.combine
DATE:	Tue Feb 15 14:04:14 MST 1994
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	When combining images with separate exposure and dark times the
	final dark time recorded in the header is actually the exposure
	time; so the final dark time and exposure time will always be the
	same.  The correct dark time is computed but the wrong thing
	is being written to the image.  This is likely to be of relevance
	for combining dark frames when the dark times of the individual
	frames are not the same as the exposure times.  The workaround
	is to copy the dark time to the exposure time with HEDIT in
	the dark frames before combining.  Note that this bug
	applies to the script DARKCOMBINE since it calls COMBINE.

STATUS:	This is a simple typo code fix which has been made for the V2.11

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