MODULE: apfit, apnormalize
SYSTEM: V2.10 - V2.10.2
MODULE:	apfit, apnormalize
SYSTEM:	V2.10 - V2.10.2
DATE:	Fri Aug 27 18:42:14 MST 1993
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The results of the 'fit' and 'difference' in APFIT and of
	APNORMALIZE are incorrect by a factor of the gain.  This is
	basically the same bug as 171 which was not correctly fixed.
	The workarounds are to use a gain of 1.

STATUS:	Fixed in V2.10.3

MODULE:	apnormalize
DATE:	Fri Jan 27 17:16:35 MST 1995
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	In bug numbers 171 and 225 it was noted that when using variance
	weighting or cleaning in APNORMALIZE the result would end up
	scaled by the gain value.  The fix was to divide the result
	by the gain.  However, the default parameters for APNORMALIZE
	do not call for variance weighting or cleaning and so the
	gain and readnoise are not read.  The uninitialized value
	of the gain used to divide the result of APNORMALIZE is
	zero causing a divide by zero error.  The workaround is
	to set the weights paraemter to 'variance'.  The actually
	weighting and gain and readnoise parameters are not important
	to this algorithm.

STATUS:	This only affects version V2.10.3BETA and will be fixed in
	later versions.

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