MODULE: splot
SYSTEM: V2.10.2
MODULE:	splot
SYSTEM:	V2.10.2
DATE:	Thu Dec 31 10:34:52 MST 1992
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The 'e' key in SPLOT either produces a floating operand error or
	a nonsensical equivalent width when the data values are less than
	about 1e-10 such as is the case with flux calibrated spectra.
	This problem was introduced due to a change in a system routine.
	The workaround is to scale the data, say with IMARITH or SARITH,
	to yield pixel values near unity.  The equivalent width and
	wavelengths will be independent of the scaling and the other flux
	quantities will simply have the same scale factor.

STATUS:	Fixed for the next release.

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