MODULE: onedspec.dopcor
SYSTEM: V2.10.1
MODULE:	onedspec.dopcor
SYSTEM:	V2.10.1
DATE:	Thu Jul 30 16:29:31 MST 1992
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	There is a sign error in the conversion from velocity to redshift.
	Thus one has to change the sign of velocities to get the effect
	described in the documentation.  The documentation was also
	misleading in how to add a redshift in that one needs to complement
	the redshift (1/(1+z)-1) rather than reverse the sign of the
	redshift.  The example is therefore incorrect.

STATUS:	The task has been modified to correct the sign error and to add
	consistency checks on the redshifts and velocities.  The help
	has been improved and the erroneous example corrected.

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