MODULE: apphot.polyphot
MODULE:	apphot.polyphot
DATE:	Tue Feb 25 16:37:41 MST 1992
FROM:	davis

BUG:	The intersection points of an image line and a polygon could be
	incorrectly translated into a list of line segments if the polygon
	was concave and contained one or more sides exactly collinear with
	the image line. The symptom of this problem is a larger than expected
	difference (larger than can be accounted for by fractional pixel
	effects) in the computed area of the polygon as it is shifted
	to different positions in the image (shifting by floating point
	numbers tends to remove the condition of exact collinearity);
	or larger than expected differences in the area and flux
	of the same object measured with the same polygonal aperture
	at slightly different positions in different images (again
	shifting the polygon tends to remove the condition of exact

STATUS:	The bug has been fixed in 2.10. There is no work around except to
	alter the shape of the polygon slightly.

MODULE:	doslit, doecslit
SYSTEM:	V2.10-V2.10.2
DATE:	Fri Feb 17 10:06:09 MST 1995
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	If no arc image or standard star image is specified an error such as

	ERROR on line 103: OPEN: File does not exist (tmp$iraf1665j)
	    doecslit ()

	will appear.  This is true even if one is not dispersion correcting
	or standard star fluxing.  Thus, even if dispcor=no or fluxcal=no
	you must put a placeholder image name in the arcs and standard

STATUS:	Fixed in V2.10.3 and later such that not specifying arc and standard
	star images is ok if not dispersion or flux calibrating.

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