MODULE: apphot.radprof
MODULE:	apphot.radprof
DATE:	Mon Aug 26 11:25:36 MST 1991
FROM:	davis

BUG:	1. Radprof was computing the total intensity of the fitted radial
	profile by integrating (RP) instead of the physically meaningful
	quantity 2 * PI * (r * RP).

	2. The computed total intensity (TINORM)  was too small by a factor
	equal to the profile step size in pixels, although the shape of the
	curve was correct.

STATUS: Both bugs have been fixed in 2.10. Bug 1 was fixed some time ago
	at the request of a user at ST, but was not previously logged.
	There is no workaround. Bug 2 was only recently discovered. 
	The workaround is to multiply the quantity TINORM by the step size
	in pixels, and compare it to the aperture photometry results.
	The two numbers should be equal to within the expected errors.

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