MODULE: dataio.rfits
MODULE:	dataio.rfits
DATE:	Thu Dec  6 11:38:42 MST 1990
FROM:	davis

BUG:	A command of the form 'rfits mta 1-8 '' oldirafname+' will generate
	the message 'ERROR: T_RFITS: Error reading output file name' because
	the code was not dealing properly with an empty output file list.

STATUS:	Rfits has been modified in 2.10 so that a temporary output file
	name is created if oldirafname is true or a clear error message
	is generated if oldirafname is false, and the user has set the
	output file name to ''. The workaround is to avoid setting
	the output file name to ''.

MODULE:	splot
SYSTEM:	V2.11-V2.11.3a
DATE:	Tue Feb 15 15:59:39 MST 2000
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	The 'h' key method for measuring equivalent widths will produce
	an arithmetic exception (such as divide by zero) when the pixel
	coordinate becomes large (say > 4000).  The exact error and limit
	value depends on the host system.  The workaround is to extract the
	desired piece of the spectrum into a shorter piece.  If you know
	the pixel coordinates you could use IMCOPY with an image section.
	If you know the wavelength region then use SCOPY.

	    on> imcopy longspec[5210:5310] temp
	    on> scopy longspec temp w1=6140 w2=6143 rebin-

	    on> splot temp

	Alternatively one can use one of the other methods for measuring
	equivalent widths such as 'e', 'k', or 'd'.

STATUS:	The algorithm is revised in the next release.

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