For those of you who got an iPhone or iPod Touch recently, a new web app called iPortal is available for browsing the VO Registry and Data services using only the native Safari browser. To get started, point your iPhone/iPod to

A web page description with a test interface and screenshots is also available. This app provides access to hundreds of image and catalog services, and thousands of published journal tables, from a mobile device. Image displays and table scrolling use the native interfaces of the device.

See below for a full list of features.

The test interface is only an approximation of what you'd see on the actual device, and please note that non-Safari browsers may not work at all.

iPortal is a one-box Google-like interface styled to fit the screen of an iPhone/iPod. Its features include:

Example inputs might be things like:

        x-ray binaries                  Keyword search
        ngc4258  or  M51                Object Names
        13:29:55.72  +47:13:53.4        Coordinates

Qualifiers may be put on the input to constrain the search to a particular type (see the Help button). Coordinates may be decimal or sexagesimal (colon or whitespace-delimited)

Further development (e.g. a Dashboard Widget version) and similar apps are planned, please feel free to send me your comments, bug report or suggestions.

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