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 Question about GFREDUCE
 03/20/2017 12:11AM (Read 2394 times)  

Status: offline

Registered: 05/26/2015
Posts: 9
My mate met a error about GFREDUCE task.
Here is the description from him.
Hope anyone could help him. Appreciate!

if I use gfreduce,I will get "GLOGINIT ERROR:101 Unable to access file /home/chen0/ti/star.log.."
The version of iraf in Ureka is 2.16,the version of gemini is 1.13
I use install_check,the result:
IRAF installation v2.16 in Ureka is up to date. PASS
use_new_imt is set to no
stsdas v3.17 installed.PASS
tables v3.17 installed.PASS
-t-rwr-r- chen0 9462 Aug 27 2005 fitsutil$src/getcmd.x
fitsutil package not up to date. FAIL.
gemini v1.13 installed. PASS
Linux chen0-ThinkPad-E460 4.4.0-62-generic #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 18 14:10:15 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
The code in IRAF:
set rawdir = "/home/chen0/ti/"
#set procdir = "/home/chen0/to/"
unlearn gemini gemtools gmos
string bias
string starflat1
starflat1= "N20140416S0101"
gfreduce (starflat1, fl_gscrrej=no, fl_wavtran=no, fl_skysub=no,
fl_inter=yes, fl_over=no, slits="both")

In Ubuntu
$ll star.log

$-rwxrwxrw- 1 chen0 chen0 4798 23:45 star.log*
(I delete date because date is displayed in Chinese)

The star.log is listed after I use gfreduce: (I delete date because date is displayed in Chinese)
GFREDUCE -- 23:45:37 CST

Default prefixes will be used.

inimages = N20140416S0101
outimages =
outpref = default
slits = both
nod&shuffle= no
fl_qecorr = no
mdffile = gnifu_slits_mdf.fits
mdfdir = gmos$data/
bias = rawdir$N20141228S0632_bias.fits
reference =
qe_refim =
qe_corrimages =
response =
wavtraname =
sfunction =
extinction =
expr = XINST \$this->_split2($m[0]) 10.
gratingdb = gmos$data/GMOSgratings.dat
filterdb = gmos$data/GMOSfilters.dat
xoffset = INDEF

GPREPARE -- 23:45:37 CST

Input list = @tmpin1534e
Output list =
Output prefix = g
Raw path = rawdir$
MDF dir = gmos$data/
Add MDF = yes
Input MDF in case header keyword not found = gnifu_slits_mdf.fits

Input rawdir$N20140416S0101.fits Output gN20140416S0101.fits
GPREPARE: Using MDF defined in the parameter list gnifu_slits_mdf.fits
GPREPARE: Taking MDF from directory gmos$data/
GGDBHELPER: gain database selected - gmos$data/gmosamps.dat
GGAIN -- Started: 2017-03-10T15:45:39
gN20140416S0101.fits[SCI,1]: "e2v 10031-23-05, right" 2.310 3.17
gN20140416S0101.fits[SCI,2]: "e2v 10031-23-05, left" 2.310 3.41
gN20140416S0101.fits[SCI,3]: "e2v 10031-01-03, right" 2.270 3.22
gN20140416S0101.fits[SCI,4]: "e2v 10031-01-03, left" 2.210 3.20
gN20140416S0101.fits[SCI,5]: "e2v 10031-18-04, left" 2.170 3.46
gN20140416S0101.fits[SCI,6]: "e2v 10031-18-04, right" 2.330 3.44

GGAIN -- Finished: 2017-03-10T15:45:39

GGAIN -- Exit staus: GOOD


GPREPARE exit status: good.
GIREDUCE -- 23:45:39 CST

Input files:

Output files:

GIREDUCE: Image rgN20140416S0101 trimmed

Output image Bias Flat Dark Scale
rgN20140416S0101 rawdir$N20141228S0632_bias INDEF INDEF 0.00
GIREDUCE: Subtracted bias rawdir$N20141228S0632_bias from rgN20140416S0101
GIREDUCE: multiplying image rgN20140416S0101 by gain
GGAIN -- Started: 2017-03-10T15:45:48
GGDBHELPER: gain database selected - gmos$data/gmosamps.dat
rgN20140416S0101.fits[SCI,1]: "e2v 10031-23-05, right" 2.310 3.17
rgN20140416S0101.fits[SCI,2]: "e2v 10031-23-05, left" 2.310 3.41
rgN20140416S0101.fits[SCI,3]: "e2v 10031-01-03, right" 2.270 3.22
rgN20140416S0101.fits[SCI,4]: "e2v 10031-01-03, left" 2.210 3.20
rgN20140416S0101.fits[SCI,5]: "e2v 10031-18-04, left" 2.170 3.46
rgN20140416S0101.fits[SCI,6]: "e2v 10031-18-04, right" 2.330 3.44

GGAIN -- Finished: 2017-03-10T15:45:54

GGAIN -- Exit staus: GOOD

GIREDUCE: output counts in electrons

GIREDUCE - Cleaning up -- 23:45:54 CST

GIREDUCE -- 2017\$this-\$this->_split2($m[0])_normalize_entities2($m[0]) 03\$this-\$this->_split2($m[0])_normalize_entities2($m[0]) 10\$this-\$this->_split2($m[0])_normalize_entities2($m[0]) \$this-\$this->_split2($m[0])_normalize_entities2($m[0])\$this-\$this->_split2($m[0])_normalize_entities2($m[0])\$this-\$this->_split2($m[0])_normalize_entities2($m[0]) 23:45:54 CST
GIREDUCE exit status: good.
GFEXTRACT -- 23:45:54 CST

inimage = rgN20140416S0101.fits
outimage =
outpref = e
title =
response =
reference =
exslits = *
trace = yes
function = chebyshev
order = 5
weights = variance
bpmfile = gmos$data/chipgaps.dat
gratingdb = gmos$data/GMOSgratings.dat
filterdb = gmos$data/GMOSfilters.dat
xoffset = INDEF
fl_vardq = no

Grating: R400+_G5305
Resolution (0.35'' slit) = 2848.0812545862
nm/pix = 0.069165702963552
Central wavelength = 800.
Filter1: open1-6
Filter2: i_G0302
Max wavelength coverage: 706. 850.
Slit separation: 3272
Positions of slits: 1473 4745
Slit 1 clean waveband: 706.0 - 849.9
Slit 2 clean waveband: 706.0 - 849.9
Slit section(s): [751:2832,1:4608] [4023:6104,1:4608]
Detector sections(s): [751:2832,1:4608] [4023:6104,1:4608]

GFEXTRACT exit status: error

GFREDUCE exit status: error

Profile Email
 04/06/2017 03:19PM  
Active Member

Status: offline

Registered: 12/29/2005
Posts: 165
Dear constant,

I think the problem here is related to your friend's language settings. Sorry if it's inconvenient, but if you change your terminal to work in English then at least the scripts should run. Try unsetting any environment variables that begin with "LC_", eg. as follows:

PHP Formatted Code
unset `env | grep "^LC_" | sed -e 's|=.*$||'`

Hope that helps.



Profile Email
 04/23/2017 02:44AM  

Status: offline

Registered: 05/26/2015
Posts: 9
Dear James,

It works!
Thank you very much for your help!


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