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 missing parameter 'dataless' in mscred tasks
 05/08/2016 07:46PM (Read 991 times)  

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Registered: 02/24/2006
Posts: 26

I'm trying to process some data from Magellan IMACS, which was originally in the form of 8 individual files for each of 8 chips. I've assembled these into MEF files. But now when I try to operate on these using mscred, I get errors that look like this:

mscred\$this->_split2($m[0]) ccdlist @sn1006_1.lst
ERROR: parameter `dataless' not found
called as: `mscextensions (input=@sn1006_1.lst, output=file, index=0-, extname=ccd1, extver=, lindex=no, lname=yes, lver=no, ikparams=)'
"extver="", lindex=no, lname=yes, lver=no, ikparams="", \$this->_split2($m[0]) inlist)"
line 23: mscsrc$ccdlist.cl
called as: `ccdlist (images=@sn1006_1.lst)'

mscred\$this->_split2($m[0]) mscfinder

mscfinder\$this->_split2($m[0]) msctpeak
List of WCS calibrated Mosaic images (iff1140*):
List of ra(hr), dec(deg), optional id (all.dat):
Database for astrometric fit (coords.dat):
ERROR: parameter `dataless' not found
called as: `mscextensions (input=iff1140*, output=file, index=0-, extname=, extver=, lindex=no, lname=yes, lver=no, ikparams=)'
"extver="", lindex=no, lname=yes, lver=no, ikparams="", \$this->_split2($m[0]) temp1)"
line 65: mscfinder$msctpeak.cl
called as: `msctpeak ()'

i.e., there seems to be some (deeply) hidden parameter 'dataless' that the routines look for, and when they don't find it, terminate with errors like these. Is there some way I can fix this problem or work around it?

Frank Winkler

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 05/08/2016 08:10PM  

Status: offline

Registered: 09/30/2005
Posts: 4040
Both CCDLIST and MSCTPEAK are scripts that call the MSCEXTENSIONS task which is where the parameter lives. Doing

cl\$this->_split2($m[0]) unlearn mscextensions

or doing a new MKIRAF to reinitialize your uparm directory should fix it.

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 05/08/2016 09:43PM  

Status: offline

Registered: 02/24/2006
Posts: 26
Thanks Mike, for the very quick reply.

cl\$this->_split2($m[0]) unlearn mscextensions did NOT seem to take, but a full mkiraf did the trick!

Now I am trying to run msctpeak, to tweak up the WCS on my images. I have dozens of good sources from UCAC3 catalog, and a pretty good starting WCS. When I run msctpeak, it appears to center all the sources well using a simple offset (a + l commands). But then when I try to fit, I keep getting errors like this:

Centering catalog sources...done

Marking centered catalog sources in blue...
all 54 sources will be marked...done
ERROR: floating point overflow
"graphics=graphics, cursor=cursor)"
line 209: mscfinder$tpltsol.cl (hidden task)
called as: `tpltsol (image=iff2140[chip1], table=tmp$iraf37ua, database=coords.dat, imupdate=yes, tabupdate=yes, refitcat=yes, dssheader=no, ra_ref=15:02:09.2, dec_ref=-41:48:10.5, eq_ref=2000.)'
called as: `tpeak (image=iff2140[chip1], table=tmp$iraf37ua, database=coords.dat, objects=, ra_ref=15:02:09.2, dec_ref=-41:48:10.5, eq_ref=2000., update=yes, interactive=yes, autocenter=no, autodisplay=no, boxsize=51, xscale=100., yscale=100., xshift=0, yshift=0, reselect=yes, subsample=1, frame=1, marker=circle, omarker=plus, goodcolor=blue, badcolor=red)'
"goodcolor=goodcolor, badcolor=badcolor)"
line 172: mscfinder$msctpeak.cl
called as: `msctpeak (images=iff2140)'

I haven't used msctpeak in some time, but I have had good luck with it in the past. Perhaps I'm doing something silly---if you see what it is, I'll really appreciate it.


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