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 Possible to set rimexam radius value from terminal?
 12/17/2014 02:11PM (Read 1185 times)  

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Registered: 03/11/2014
Posts: 2
I am analysing faint X-ray sources from Chandra data using imexamine and specifying the aperture radius from within the rimexam parameters.

\$this->_split2($m[0])epar rimexam

I have coordinates for all my sources and I have the corrected aperture radii. I need a specific radius for each source because interations greater than 1 result in the aperture radius being increased well past the source boundary.

I can therefore feed imexamine with the coordinate list and automate the whole process with a script except for the change of aperture radius. That necessitates the opening of a dialogue box.

My question is: Is there a way to change the parameters of rimexam from terminal without having to open the dialogue box and input the value myself each time?

I want to automate it because I must redo a lot of analysis on a large number of sources and the process were very time-consuming the first time around.

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 12/18/2014 03:52PM  

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Registered: 09/30/2005
Posts: 4040
I'm not sure I understand quite how you're scripting the coordinates, I assume with an image cursor file containing the positions of each object and the 'a' keystroke? If so, you can likewise just insert the ":radius" command to change the value when needed. For example

12.23 23.34 101 a
45.23 56.34 101 :radius 6.
45.23 56.34 101 a

The first command will use the 'radius' value set in the parameter, the second will change the value and the third will issue the 'a' command at that same coordinate. Let me know if I've misunderstood your question.

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 12/18/2014 04:24PM  

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Registered: 03/11/2014
Posts: 2
Quote by: fitz

I'm not sure I understand quite how you're scripting the coordinates, I assume with an image cursor file containing the positions of each object and the 'a' keystroke? If so, you can likewise just insert the ":radius" command to change the value when needed. For example

12.23 23.34 101 a
45.23 56.34 101 :radius 6.
45.23 56.34 101 a

The first command will use the 'radius' value set in the parameter, the second will change the value and the third will issue the 'a' command at that same coordinate. Let me know if I've misunderstood your question.

Yes I was using an image cursor file. I didn't know one could include ":radius " in the file to change the aperture radius. This is exactly what I was looking for and it works perfectly. Thank you very much.

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