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 Problems with rspectext
 11/17/2013 08:00PM (Read 2193 times)  

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Registered: 11/10/2013
Posts: 5
Hi All,

I'm trying to convert some text files back to fits images and I can't get it to work right.

I do -


And it doesn't give any errors but when I try to display or use splot I get the following error,

ERROR: FXF: SIMPLE keyword value is not standard

which the header is -

SIMPLE F / Standard SPE format
CRPIX 1.000000
CRVAL 4037.0461
CDELT 0.075438000


I tried just editing the SIMPLE keyword to T and redoing the rspectext which also runs without error but then I get a seg fault when I try to display or splot.

I don't know the specifics of fits files so I don't understand what I should be doing here. Any suggestions?

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 11/17/2013 08:35PM  

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Registered: 09/30/2005
Posts: 4040
Could you please post the parameters you used (e.g. "cl\$this->_split2($m[0]) dpar rspectext") as well as the IRAF and OS version you are using? It would also help to have the text file itself, this could be uploaded to the anonftp at ftp://iraf.noao.edu/pub

Note that if you create a filename explicitly with a ".imh" extension (e.g. "spec.imh") you'll create a different type of image format, if that also fails the error might be in the task and not specifically a FITS problem.

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 11/17/2013 11:37PM  

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Registered: 11/10/2013
Posts: 5
I'm running IRAF 2.16 on a Mac with OS Mavericks

From dpar:

rspectext.input = "55X08023.N"
rspectext.output = "tmp.fits"
rspectext.title = ""
rspectext.flux = no
rspectext.dtype = "linear"
rspectext.crval1 = 1.
rspectext.cdelt1 = 1.
rspectext.fd1 = ""
rspectext.fd2 = ""
rspectext.mode = "ql"

I can't recreate my original problem but the task still isn't working properly.

Example 1 -

Here rspectext doesn't even run I get the error

"ERROR: Not 8-bit ASCII characters
"nskip=0, dim=dim)"
line 58: onedspec$rspectext.cl
called as: `rspectext (input=29X06181.N, output=temp.fits)'"

I tried using both ".imh" extension and ".fits" extension. When I try ".'fits" the task completely fails but when I use ".imh" it creates the image but when I try to splot it gives this error

"ERROR: MWCS: dimension mismatch (mw_open)"

Example 2 -

It's with this kind of file that rspectext works fine but when I try to splot or display I get "ERROR: segmentation violation" and this is the same for both ".fits" and ".imh"

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 11/18/2013 06:13PM  

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Registered: 09/30/2005
Posts: 4040

The problem is that RSPECTEXT is expecting a valid FITS header in front of the wavelength/pixel pairs, this means that lines like

History of spectrum E:\OLES\NORDIC\RR_TAU\29x06181.dat 08-02-96 12:01:45
Length 1137
Equid False
Divided by file E:\OLES\NORDIC\RR_TAU\SYN\29x06181.po 02-06-96 13:55:10

in Example 1 are invalid, and the "Not 8-bit ASCII" message comes from the BITPIX=-32 value (and not BITPIX=8). In the second example the same "Divided by...." line applies and the lines

SIMPLE T / Standard SPE format
CRPIX 1.000000
CRVAL 7657.1782
CDELT 0.14278100

aren't valid because of a missing '=' in column 9. Fixing these lines allows me to run the task successfully.

Alternatively, you could remove the header from the input file entirely and use RSPECTEXT to create the image, then use the ARTDATA.MKHEADER task to add the (still corrected) header to the resulting image.

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