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 HDMGETR warning when attempting to apply fringe correction
 08/29/2013 01:41AM (Read 4044 times)  

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Registered: 05/19/2010
Posts: 11
Hi, I am trying to apply fringe correction to a single image:[code:1:7c57d0d552]ecl> ccdproc test389.fits fringeco+ illum=Illum30 fringe=Fringe
Warning: HDMGETR: No value found[/code:1:7c57d0d552]
In another thread (https://iraf.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=126222) it is suggested that this error (Note: mine says warning, but the task is not performed) is caused by a missing float value in one of the involved header keywords. Likely candidate was named as well: EXPTIME.I checked all my involved files:
test389, Illum30, Fringe, they all have EXPTIME defined.
Is there another keyword that might be involved?I would very much appreciate if I could prevent having to reinstall IRAF which seemed to solve the problem for the author of the above quoted thread.My IRAF runs on MAC OSX 10.8.4 and announced itself as:
"NOAO/IRAFNET PC-IRAF Revision 2.14.1 Mon Sep 15 10:12:05 MST 2008
This is the RELEASED version of IRAF V2.14 supporting PC systems."I did not set it up myself, but the sysadmin involved said that this version works well on MACs.Any thoughts?For reference: A third thread touches on HDMGETR and also in conjunction with fringe correction:

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 08/29/2013 01:41AM  

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Registered: 05/19/2010
Posts: 11
After some more testing I can report the following findings:

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               08/29/2013 01:41AM  
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              Registered: 11/11/2005
              Posts: 728
              Hi,The HDMGETR message comes from the keyword translation mechanism which means the translation file, ccd.dat in your case. I may have misunderstood but it sounded like you said your data has the keyword EXPTIME. The translation file you have says, instead, that it should look for the keyword EXPOSURE. You may be confused by the first part of the translation:
              [code:1:28b0288868]exptime exposure[/code:1:28b0288868]
              The first word is the name that CCDPROC refers to the logical quantity of an exposure time. This is NOT the keyword it will look for unless there is no translation. With the translation it thinks, [i:28b0288868]if I want the exposure time I will look for the keyword EXPOSURE[/i:28b0288868].By putting in a default value the error went away because the exposure time it will use when it can't find EXPOSURE in the header is 1s. For fringe scaling it may be ok because it will end up using the ratio 1/1; i.e. no exposure time scaling.So the real solution, if I understood that you actually have EXPTIME and not EXPOSURE in your header, is to remove the exposure time translation from ccd.dat (or use "exptime exptime" which is redundant but should work).Frank Valdes[/i]

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               08/29/2013 01:41AM  

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              Registered: 05/19/2010
              Posts: 11
              Hi,Thank you very much for clarifying this. I will indeed get rid of the line, or make a 'dummy' for the same keyword in this case.The fringe correction worked not too badly, but I will try again with correct keyword mapping (or no mapping) and compare the results, to be sure.Thanks again,

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               08/29/2013 01:41AM  

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              Registered: 05/19/2010
              Posts: 11
              I think I might have been not the only one in our group to misunderstand the mapping. So I am eager to read-up and maybe produce a template file that has some comments. Could you maybe point me to the correct direction as where to find documentation about the translation files.Is there a way to allow comments? # I.e. hash or other escaping?Thanks!

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