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 Problem with wcs solution for WFI images
 05/08/2013 07:17PM (Read 1530 times)  

Status: offline

Registered: 12/11/2009
Posts: 11
Hello,I am currently reducing WFI images with IRAF/MSCRED package. I have used the esowfi package to translate the headers and get a WCS solution. However, the WCS solution is completely wrong. I have used the wcs solution WCSASTRM = 34741 (19990902T232148 LT 6284 OIII/8) by F. Valdes 1999-10-19Instead of RA=03:22:29.0 and DEC= -37:10:01.0 I am
getting RA=05:11:38.4 and DEC=+08:29:05.3
I would be very happy for any hint or help to solve this problemWhen using esohdr I am getting the following outputesowfi> esohdr
List of raw ESO MEF files (*.fits):
WFI_Ima.63.fits: NGC_1316
ltm11=1., ltm22=1.
ltm11=1., ltm22=1.
ltm11=1., ltm22=1.
ltm11=1., ltm22=1.
ltm11=1., ltm22=1.
ltm11=1., ltm22=1.
ltm11=1., ltm22=1.
ltm11=1., ltm22=1.Here is one header:WFI_Ima.63.fits[0][0][short]: NGC_1316
No bad pixels, min=0., max=0. (old)
Line storage mode, physdim [0], length of user area 8586 s.u.
Created Wed 02:00:00 28-Jan-1998, Last modified Wed 20:40:54 08-May-2013
Pixel file "WFI_Ima.63.fits" [NO PIXEL FILE]
EXTEND = T / File may contain extensions
ORIGIN = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003' / FITS file originator
IRAF-TLM= '2013-05-08T18:40:54' / Time of last modification
DATE = '2013-05-08T18:40:38' / UT date when this file was written
MJD-OBS = 55833.35671982 / MJD start (2011-09-29T08:33:40.592)
DATE-OBS= '2011-09-29T08:33:40.592' / Date of observation
EXPTIME = 659.9177 / Total integration time
OBJECT = 'NGC_1316' / Target description
INSTRUME= 'WFI ' / Instrument used
OBSERVER= 'UNKNOWN ' / Name of observer
PI-COI = 'UNKNOWN ' / Name(s) of proposer(s)
TELESCOP= 'MPI-2.2 ' / ESO Telescope Name
RA = 3.374745 / 03:22:29.0 RA (J2000) at start in (deg
DEC = -37.16697 / -37:10:01.0 DEC (J2000) at start in (d
EQUINOX = 2000. / Standard FK5 (years)
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinate reference frame
LST = 15698.728 / 04:21:38.728 LST at start (sec)
UTC = 30812.870 / 08:33:32.870 UTC at start (sec)
DID = 'ESO-VLT-DIC.OBS-1.11' / OBS Dictionary
EXECTIME= 0 / Expected execution time
GRP = '0 ' / linked blocks
ID = 100294557 / Observation block ID
NAME = 'NGC_1316_R' / OB name
OBSERVER= 'UNKNOWN ' / Observer Name
PI-COIID= 73893 / ESO internal PI-COI ID
PROGID = '087.A-0967(A)' / ESO program identification
START = '2011-09-29T08:27:41' / OB start time
TPLNO = 3 / Template number within OB
TARGNAME= 'NGC_1316' / OB target name
DID = 'ESO-VLT-DIC.TPL-1.9' / Data dictionary for TPL
ID = 'WFI_img_obs_Dither' / Template signature ID
NAME = 'WFI dithered mode sequence' / Template name
PRESEQ = 'WFI_img_obs_Dither.seq' / Sequencer script
START = '2011-09-29T08:32:30' / TPL start time
VERSION = '$Revision: 2.12 $' / Version of the template
NEXP = 6 / Number of exposures within templat
EXPNO = 1 / Exposure number within template
CATG = 'SCIENCE ' / Observation category
TYPE = 'OBJECT ' / Observation type
TECH = 'IMAGE ' / Observation technique
DID = 'ESO-2P2-DIC.TCS-1.8' / Data dictionary for TEL
ID = 'v 5.19+ ' / TCS version number
DATE = '2000-10-15T15:21:35.745' / TCS installation date
ALT = 75.424 / Alt angle at start (deg)
AZ = 53.313 / Az angle at start (deg) S=0,W=90
GEOELEV = 2335. / Elevation above sea level (m)
GEOLAT = -29.2543 / Tel geo latitute (+=North) (deg)
GEOLON = -70.7346 / Tel geo longitute (+=East) (deg)
OPER = 'I: Condor' / Telescope Operator
FOCUID = 'CA ' / Telescope focus station ID
FOCULEN = 8.009 / Focal length (m)
FOCUSCAL= 11.650 / Focal scale (arcsec/mm)
FOCUVALU= 23142.000 / M2 setting (mm)
PARANGST= 61.398 / Parallactic angle at start (deg)
AIRMSTAR= 1.033 / Airmass at start
AMBIFWHM= 1.09 / Observatory Seeing queried from AS
AMBIPRES= 769.10 / Observatory ambient air pressure q
AMBIWIND= 1.30 / Observatory ambient wind speed que
AMBIWIND= 32. / Observatory ambient wind directio
AMBIRHUM= 6. / Observatory ambient relative humi
AMBITEMP= 16.05 / Observatory ambient temperature qu
MOONRA = 209.876572 / 13:59:30.3 RA (J2000) (deg)
MOONDEC = -15.08219 / -15:04:55.8 DEC (J2000) (deg)
MOONDIST= 124.21818 / Moon distance to target
TRAKSTAT= 'NORMAL ' / Tracking status
DOMESTAT= 'FULLY-OPEN' / Dome status
CHOPST = F / True when chopping is active
TARGALPH= 32241.720 / Alpha coordinate for the target
TARGDELT= -371229.620 / Delta coordinate for the target
TARGEPOC= 2000.000 / Epoch
TARGEPOC= 'J ' / Epoch system (default J=Julian)
TARGEQUI= 2000.000 / Equinox
TARGPMA = 0.000000 / Proper Motion Alpha
TARGPMD = 0.000000 / Proper motion Delta
AGFIBX = 0.000 / Fiber position X
AGFIBY = 0.000 / Fiber position Y
AGREFX = 0.000 / Autoguider reference pixel X
AGREFY = 0.000 / Autoguider reference pixel Y
AGFIBSEL= 'OBJFIB ' / Fiber currently used (SKY or OBJ)
TSSTEMP1= 14.130 / air outside south of dome in shado
TSSTEMP2= -18.750 / air outside north of dome, road he
TSSTEMP3= 15.570 / air at low level in dome near floo
TSSTEMP4= 15.450 / surface of M1
TSSTEMP5= 14.440 / air close to M1 surface
TSSTEMP6= 14.080 / surface midheight of lower Serruri
TSSTEMP7= 15.510 / surface midheight of upper Serruri
TSSTEMP8= 12.840 / surface on M2
TSSTEMP9= 13.780 / air close to top ring
TSSTEMP1= 9.050 / plate sensor looking into sky top
TSSTEMP1= 15.750 / air inside dome midheight
TSSTEMP1= 16.030 / air for instrument
TSSTEMP1= 18.140 / surface delta hydrostatic pad
TSSTEMP1= 15.780 / air inside adapter
HSSHUMI1= 10.350 / outside south of dome in shadow
HSSHUMI2= 10.030 / inside dome midheight
PARANGEN= 66.612 / Parallactic angle at end (deg)
AIRMEND = 1.043 / Airmass at end
AMBIFWHM= 1.00 / Observatory Seeing queried from AS
AMBIPRES= 769.10 / Observatory ambient air pressure q
TSSTEMP1= 13.590 / air outside south of dome in shado
TSSTEMP2= -18.750 / air outside north of dome, road he
TSSTEMP3= 15.550 / air at low level in dome near floo
TSSTEMP4= 15.310 / surface of M1
TSSTEMP5= 14.460 / air close to M1 surface
TSSTEMP6= 14.030 / surface midheight of lower Serruri
TSSTEMP7= 15.490 / surface midheight of upper Serruri
TSSTEMP8= 12.740 / surface on M2
TSSTEMP9= 13.360 / air close to top ring
TSSTEMP1= 8.440 / plate sensor looking into sky top
TSSTEMP1= 15.440 / air inside dome midheight
TSSTEMP1= 15.780 / air for instrument
TSSTEMP1= 18.090 / surface delta hydrostatic pad
TSSTEMP1= 15.780 / air inside adapter
HSSHUMI1= 11.200 / outside south of dome in shadow
HSSHUMI2= 11.390 / inside dome midheight
TRAKRATE= 15.000000 / Tracking rate in RA (arcsec/sec)
TRAKRATE= 0.000000 / Tracking rate in DEC (arcsec/sec)
POSANG = 0.90000 / Position angle at start
GUIDSTAT= 'OFF ' / Status of autoguider
MODE = 'IMG ' / Instrument mode used (hs).
SWSIM = 'NORMAL ' / Software simulation (chs).
DID = 'ESO-2P2-DIC.WFI-ICS v1.5' / Data dictionary for
ID = 'WFI ' / Instrument ID (chl).
FILT1NO = 15 / Filter wheel position index (hs).
FILT1ID = '844 ' / Filter unique id (chls).
FILT1TYP= 'Broad-band filter' / Element type.
FILT1NAM= 'BB#Rc/162_ESO844' / Filter name (chls).
SHUTMODE= 'low-speed' / Shutter mode
SIGNAL1I= 'Dewar Temperature' / SIGNAL1 unique ID
SIGNAL1S= 167.0 / SIGNAL1 status (Kelvin)
SIGNAL2I= 'Fiera Box Temperature' / SIGNAL2 unique ID
SIGNAL2S= 289.5 / SIGNAL2 status (Kelvin)
SIGNAL3I= 'Dewar Presure' / SIGNAL3 unique ID
SIGNAL3S= 4.800000E+00 / SIGNAL3 status
GRIS1ID = 'None ' / OPTIi unique ID (chls).
GRIS1NAM= 'None ' / OPTIi name (chl).
ID = ' ' / Detector system Id
NAME = 'wfov - WFOV' / Name of detector system
DATE = '1998-01-28' / Installation date
BITS = 16 / Bits per pixel readout
RA = 0.00000000 / Apparent 00:00:00.0 RA at start
DEC = 0.00000000 / Apparent 00:00:00.0 DEC at start
CHIPS = 8 / # of chips in detector array
OUTUTS = 8 / # of outputs
OUTEF = 0 / reference output
WINDOWS = 1 / # of windows readout
SOFWMODE= 'Normal ' / CCD sw operational mode
EXPNO = 1371 / Unique exposure ID number
EXPTYPE = 'Normal ' / Exposure type
EXPRDTTI= 27.859 / image readout time
EXPXFERT= 28.308 / image transfer time
WIN1ST = T / If T, window enabled
WIN1STRX= 1 / Lower left pixel in X
WIN1STRY= 1 / Lower left pixel in Y
WIN1NX = 8568 / # of pixels along X
WIN1NY = 8256 / # of pixels along Y
WIN1BINX= 1 / Binning factor along X
WIN1BINY= 1 / Binning factor along Y
WIN1NDIT= 1 / # of subintegrations
WIN1UIT1= 660.000000 / user defined subintegration time
WIN1DIT1= 659.917732 / actual subintegration time
WIN1DKTM= 660.2825 / Dark current time
READMODE= 'normal ' / Readout method
READSPEE= 'normal ' / Readout speed
READCLOC= 'mosaic read (ordered)' / Readout clock pattern u
READNFRA= 1 / Number of readouts buffered in sin
FRAMID = 1 / Image sequencial number
FRAMTYPE= 'Normal ' / Type of frame
SHUTTYPE= 'disk ' / type of shutter
SHUTID = 'WFOV shutter' / Shutter unique identifier
SHUTTMOP= 0.411 / Time taken to open shutter
SHUTTMCL= 0.247 / Time taken to close shutter
TELEINT = 600.0 / Interval between two successive te
TELENO = 3 / # of sources active
TLM1NAME= 'CCDTMP ' / Description of telemetry param.
TLM1ID = 'CCDTMP ' / ID of telemetry sensor
TLM1STAR= 167.00 / Telemetry value at read start
TLM1END = 167.00 / Telemetry value at read completion
TLM2NAME= 'FBOX ' / Description of telemetry param.
TLM2ID = 'FBOX ' / ID of telemetry sensor
TLM2STAR= 289.50 / Telemetry value at read start
TLM2END = 289.50 / Telemetry value at read completion
TLM3NAME= 'VAC ' / Description of telemetry param.
TLM3ID = 'VAC ' / ID of telemetry sensor
TLM3STAR= 4.70 / Telemetry value at read start
TLM3END = 4.70 / Telemetry value at read completion
ORIGFILE= 'WFI_Ima.63.fits' / Original File Name
ARCFILE = 'WFI.2011-09-29T08:33:40.592.fits' / Archive File Name
CHECKSUM= 'ULHoWJ9oUJGoUJ9o' / HDU checksum updated 2011-09-29T08:45:27
DATASUM = ' 0' / data unit checksum updated 2011-09-29T08:45:27
WCSASTRM= '34741 (19990902T232148 LT 6284 OIII/8) by F. Valdes 1999-10-19'
ESOHDR = 'Wed 20:40:49 08-May-2013'And here is the used WCS database# WCSASTRM = 34741 (19990902T232148 LT 6284 OIII/8) by F. Valdes 1999-10-19# Tue 11:25:48 19-Oct-99
begin im1
xrefmean 961.7341632653062
yrefmean 1934.351673469388
lngmean 15.66567125850341
latmean -28.43027862811791
pixsystem physical
coosystem j2000
projection tan
lngref 15.64925
latref -28.58916
lngunits hours
latunits degrees
xpixref 4230.5402994135
ypixref -476.5163948696697
geometry general
function polynomial
xishift 1006.818967522021
etashift 110.2776657474152
xmag 0.2378906468764187
ymag 0.2379077165334724
xrotation 180.1758314634233
yrotation 0.2111258099286798
wcsxirms 0.2711371407910486
wcsetarms 0.1750967819132969
xirms 0.2711371407910486
etarms 0.1750967819132969
surface1 11
3. 3.
2. 2.
2. 2.
0. 0.
1. 1.
2046. 2046.
1. 1.
4098. 4098.
1006.818967522021 110.2776657474152
-0.2378895266780205 7.300467028300838E-4
8.766500098423744E-4 0.2379061013739061
surface2 0
# Tue 11:26:59 19-Oct-99
begin im2
xrefmean 978.6046938775509
yrefmean 2054.036438775511
lngmean 15.65483917233561
latmean -28.4224152494331
pixsystem physical
coosystem j2000
projection tan
lngref 15.64925
latref -28.58916
lngunits hours
latunits degrees
xpixref 2091.793653304994
ypixref -469.133301535338
geometry general
function polynomial
xishift 497.8489774788823
etashift 111.5511236287072
xmag 0.2379552021628943
ymag 0.237868255613138
xrotation 180.0046912987455
yrotation 0.04918629105787559
wcsxirms 0.2431434525035533
wcsetarms 0.2387387423311219
xirms 0.2431434525035533
etarms 0.2387387423311219
surface1 11
3. 3.
2. 2.
2. 2.
0. 0.
1. 1.
2046. 2046.
1. 1.
4098. 4098.
497.8489774788823 111.5511236287072
-0.2379552013652558 1.948344100810833E-5
2.042010060146668E-4 0.2378681679636565
surface2 0
# Tue 11:28:22 19-Oct-99
begin im3
xrefmean 1042.0822
yrefmean 2172.39605882353
lngmean 15.64379071895425
latmean -28.41451307189542
pixsystem physical
coosystem j2000
projection tan
lngref 15.64925
latref -28.58916
lngunits hours
latunits degrees
xpixref -50.81220248996107
ypixref -468.1607674372959
geometry general
function polynomial
xishift -11.99101277954677
etashift 111.3962670637999
xmag 0.2377703360475313
ymag 0.2379077926435451
xrotation 180.081612405198
yrotation 0.04661142419039185
wcsxirms 0.2402897716061933
wcsetarms 0.2428353850645122
xirms 0.2402897716061933
etarms 0.2428353850645122
surface1 11
3. 3.
2. 2.
2. 2.
0. 0.
1. 1.
2046. 2046.
1. 1.
4098. 4098.
-11.99101277954677 111.3962670637999
-0.2377700948378739 3.386811840697745E-4
1.935433973003057E-4 0.2379077139175554
surface2 0
# Tue 11:29:40 19-Oct-99
begin im4
xrefmean 848.7146891891891
yrefmean 2122.065756756757
lngmean 15.63402759009009
latmean -28.41736186186187
pixsystem physical
coosystem j2000
projection tan
lngref 15.64925
latref -28.58916
lngunits hours
latunits degrees
xpixref -2190.900817172355
ypixref -470.0747405113611
geometry general
function polynomial
xishift -521.4311192875483
etashift 112.5662362554054
xmag 0.2380387805288886
ymag 0.237916210511574
xrotation 180.0799661169439
yrotation 0.04494564016814567
wcsxirms 0.2472270711227345
wcsetarms 0.1869079722926741
xirms 0.2472270711227345
etarms 0.1869079722926741
surface1 11
3. 3.
2. 2.
2. 2.
0. 0.
1. 1.
2046. 2046.
1. 1.
4098. 4098.
-521.4311192875483 112.5662362554054
-0.2380385486910063 3.322239603508401E-4
1.866332107179800E-4 0.2379161373094147
surface2 0
# Tue 11:30:43 19-Oct-99
begin im8
xrefmean 827.22779245283
yrefmean 1935.938660377358
lngmean 15.63407458071279
latmean -28.70416299790356
pixsystem physical
coosystem j2000
projection tan
lngref 15.64925
latref -28.58916
lngunits hours
latunits degrees
xpixref -2191.764048491386
ypixref 3683.963636782867
geometry general
function polynomial
xishift -522.772354408366
etashift -875.6052345368516
xmag 0.2378580298454285
ymag 0.2378900115219389
xrotation 180.0848154767978
yrotation 0.0944219151304364
wcsxirms 0.2366165355078171
wcsetarms 0.2490393819448967
xirms 0.2366165355078171
etarms 0.2490393819448967
surface1 11
3. 3.
2. 2.
2. 2.
0. 0.
1. 1.
2046. 2046.
1. 1.
4098. 4098.
-522.772354408366 -875.6052345368516
-0.2378577692344581 3.521033314324990E-4
3.920362110799453E-4 0.2378896884892605
surface2 0
# Tue 11:31:55 19-Oct-99
begin im7
xrefmean 1103.479946236559
yrefmean 2106.771204301075
lngmean 15.64345002986858
latmean -28.69327956989247
pixsystem physical
coosystem j2000
projection tan
lngref 15.64925
latref -28.58916
lngunits hours
latunits degrees
xpixref -49.11875640876725
ypixref 3683.305699441538
geometry general
function polynomial
xishift -13.2005471841006
etashift -876.4474147993631
xmag 0.23779934434218
ymag 0.2379538231140055
xrotation 180.0389470135705
yrotation 0.09937485394555146
wcsxirms 0.2750515131723646
wcsetarms 0.2244986983475005
xirms 0.2750515131723646
etarms 0.2244986983475005
surface1 11
3. 3.
2. 2.
2. 2.
0. 0.
1. 1.
2046. 2046.
1. 1.
4098. 4098.
-13.2005471841006 -876.4474147993631
-0.2377992894028069 1.616449528503532E-4
4.127112810583881E-4 0.2379534652068969
surface2 0
# Tue 11:33:21 19-Oct-99
begin im6
xrefmean 1004.382375
yrefmean 2226.057509615385
lngmean 15.65469805021368
latmean -28.68561378205129
pixsystem physical
coosystem j2000
projection tan
lngref 15.64925
latref -28.58916
lngunits hours
latunits degrees
xpixref 2091.091314870809
ypixref 3685.150707876198
geometry general
function polynomial
xishift 496.2518778520542
etashift -877.2094099916202
xmag 0.2377973610132686
ymag 0.2378426951559295
xrotation 180.0834000324318
yrotation 0.06560466245625339
wcsxirms 0.2647359009242081
wcsetarms 0.2595761314458334
xirms 0.2647359009242081
etarms 0.2595761314458334
surface1 11
3. 3.
2. 2.
2. 2.
0. 0.
1. 1.
2046. 2046.
1. 1.
4098. 4098.
496.2518778520542 -877.2094099916202
-0.2377971090924072 3.461389440169750E-4
2.723339564701272E-4 0.237842539242358
surface2 0
# Tue 11:34:32 19-Oct-99
begin im5
xrefmean 1010.775391752577
yrefmean 2143.825845360825
lngmean 15.6654282932417
latmean -28.69090406643758
pixsystem physical
coosystem j2000
projection tan
lngref 15.64925
latref -28.58916
lngunits hours
latunits degrees
xpixref 4235.03221921455
ypixref 3677.896214199701
geometry general
function polynomial
xishift 1005.695978245298
etashift -877.8249620697161
xmag 0.2379312944139736
ymag 0.2379428202414041
xrotation 180.1534185244991
yrotation 0.127479626729658
wcsxirms 0.239809575702697
wcsetarms 0.2215047862330969
xirms 0.239809575702697
etarms 0.2215047862330969
surface1 11
3. 3.
2. 2.
2. 2.
0. 0.
1. 1.
2046. 2046.
1. 1.
4098. 4098.
1005.695978245298 -877.8249620697161
-0.2379304414481103 6.370979644766267E-4
5.294078750434541E-4 0.23794223129099
surface2 0

Profile Email
 05/08/2013 07:17PM  

Status: offline

Registered: 12/11/2009
Posts: 11
Here is the header for one single image:Thanks for your help!WFI_Ima.63.fits[1][2142,4128][ushort]: NGC_1316
No bad pixels, min=0., max=0. (old)
Line storage mode, physdim [2142,4128], length of user area 12717 s.u.
Created Wed 20:40:43 08-May-2013, Last modified Wed 20:41:00 08-May-2013
Pixel file "WFI_Ima.63.fits" [ok]
MJD-OBS = 55833.35671982 / MJD start (2011-09-29T08:33:40.592)
DATE-OBS= '2011-09-29T08:33:40.592' / Date of observation
EXPTIME = 659.9177 / Total integration time
INSTRUME= 'WFI ' / Instrument used
OBSERVER= 'UNKNOWN ' / Name of observer
PI-COI = 'UNKNOWN ' / Name(s) of proposer(s)
TELESCOP= 'MPI-2.2 ' / ESO Telescope Name
RA = 3.374745 / 03:22:29.0 RA (J2000) at start in (deg
DEC = -37.16697 / -37:10:01.0 DEC (J2000) at start in (d
LST = 15698.728 / 04:21:38.728 LST at start (sec)
UTC = 30812.870 / 08:33:32.870 UTC at start (sec)
DID = 'ESO-VLT-DIC.OBS-1.11' / OBS Dictionary
EXECTIME= 0 / Expected execution time
GRP = '0 ' / linked blocks
ID = 100294557 / Observation block ID
NAME = 'NGC_1316_R' / OB name
OBSERVER= 'UNKNOWN ' / Observer Name
PI-COIID= 73893 / ESO internal PI-COI ID
PROGID = '087.A-0967(A)' / ESO program identification
START = '2011-09-29T08:27:41' / OB start time
TPLNO = 3 / Template number within OB
TARGNAME= 'NGC_1316' / OB target name
DID = 'ESO-VLT-DIC.TPL-1.9' / Data dictionary for TPL
ID = 'WFI_img_obs_Dither' / Template signature ID
NAME = 'WFI dithered mode sequence' / Template name
PRESEQ = 'WFI_img_obs_Dither.seq' / Sequencer script
START = '2011-09-29T08:32:30' / TPL start time
VERSION = '$Revision: 2.12 $' / Version of the template
NEXP = 6 / Number of exposures within templat
EXPNO = 1 / Exposure number within template
CATG = 'SCIENCE ' / Observation category
TYPE = 'OBJECT ' / Observation type
TECH = 'IMAGE ' / Observation technique
DID = 'ESO-2P2-DIC.TCS-1.8' / Data dictionary for TEL
ID = 'v 5.19+ ' / TCS version number
ALT = 75.424 / Alt angle at start (deg)
AZ = 53.313 / Az angle at start (deg) S=0,W=90
GEOELEV = 2335. / Elevation above sea level (m)
GEOLAT = -29.2543 / Tel geo latitute (+=North) (deg)
GEOLON = -70.7346 / Tel geo longitute (+=East) (deg)
OPER = 'I: Condor' / Telescope Operator
FOCUID = 'CA ' / Telescope focus station ID
FOCULEN = 8.009 / Focal length (m)
FOCUSCAL= 11.650 / Focal scale (arcsec/mm)
FOCUVALU= 23142.000 / M2 setting (mm)
PARANGST= 61.398 / Parallactic angle at start (deg)
AIRMSTAR= 1.033 / Airmass at start
AMBIFWHM= 1.09 / Observatory Seeing queried from AS
AMBIPRES= 769.10 / Observatory ambient air pressure q
AMBIWIND= 1.30 / Observatory ambient wind speed que
AMBIWIND= 32. / Observatory ambient wind directio
AMBIRHUM= 6. / Observatory ambient relative humi
AMBITEMP= 16.05 / Observatory ambient temperature qu
MOONRA = 209.876572 / 13:59:30.3 RA (J2000) (deg)
MOONDEC = -15.08219 / -15:04:55.8 DEC (J2000) (deg)
MOONDIST= 124.21818 / Moon distance to target
TRAKSTAT= 'NORMAL ' / Tracking status
DOMESTAT= 'FULLY-OPEN' / Dome status
CHOPST = F / True when chopping is active
TARGALPH= 32241.720 / Alpha coordinate for the target
TARGDELT= -371229.620 / Delta coordinate for the target
TARGEPOC= 2000.000 / Epoch
TARGEPOC= 'J ' / Epoch system (default J=Julian)
TARGEQUI= 2000.000 / Equinox
TARGPMA = 0.000000 / Proper Motion Alpha
TARGPMD = 0.000000 / Proper motion Delta
AGFIBX = 0.000 / Fiber position X
AGFIBY = 0.000 / Fiber position Y
AGREFX = 0.000 / Autoguider reference pixel X
AGREFY = 0.000 / Autoguider reference pixel Y
AGFIBSEL= 'OBJFIB ' / Fiber currently used (SKY or OBJ)
TSSTEMP1= 14.130 / air outside south of dome in shado
TSSTEMP2= -18.750 / air outside north of dome, road he
TSSTEMP3= 15.570 / air at low level in dome near floo
TSSTEMP4= 15.450 / surface of M1
TSSTEMP5= 14.440 / air close to M1 surface
TSSTEMP6= 14.080 / surface midheight of lower Serruri
TSSTEMP7= 15.510 / surface midheight of upper Serruri
TSSTEMP8= 12.840 / surface on M2
TSSTEMP9= 13.780 / air close to top ring
TSSTEMP1= 9.050 / plate sensor looking into sky top
TSSTEMP1= 15.750 / air inside dome midheight
TSSTEMP1= 16.030 / air for instrument
TSSTEMP1= 18.140 / surface delta hydrostatic pad
TSSTEMP1= 15.780 / air inside adapter
HSSHUMI1= 10.350 / outside south of dome in shadow
HSSHUMI2= 10.030 / inside dome midheight
PARANGEN= 66.612 / Parallactic angle at end (deg)
AIRMEND = 1.043 / Airmass at end
AMBIFWHM= 1.00 / Observatory Seeing queried from AS
AMBIPRES= 769.10 / Observatory ambient air pressure q
TSSTEMP1= 13.590 / air outside south of dome in shado
TSSTEMP2= -18.750 / air outside north of dome, road he
TSSTEMP3= 15.550 / air at low level in dome near floo
TSSTEMP4= 15.310 / surface of M1
TSSTEMP5= 14.460 / air close to M1 surface
TSSTEMP6= 14.030 / surface midheight of lower Serruri
TSSTEMP7= 15.490 / surface midheight of upper Serruri
TSSTEMP8= 12.740 / surface on M2
TSSTEMP9= 13.360 / air close to top ring
TSSTEMP1= 8.440 / plate sensor looking into sky top
TSSTEMP1= 15.440 / air inside dome midheight
TSSTEMP1= 15.780 / air for instrument
TSSTEMP1= 18.090 / surface delta hydrostatic pad
TSSTEMP1= 15.780 / air inside adapter
HSSHUMI1= 11.200 / outside south of dome in shadow
HSSHUMI2= 11.390 / inside dome midheight
TRAKRATE= 15.000000 / Tracking rate in RA (arcsec/sec)
TRAKRATE= 0.000000 / Tracking rate in DEC (arcsec/sec)
POSANG = 0.90000 / Position angle at start
GUIDSTAT= 'OFF ' / Status of autoguider
MODE = 'IMG ' / Instrument mode used (hs).
SWSIM = 'NORMAL ' / Software simulation (chs).
DID = 'ESO-2P2-DIC.WFI-ICS v1.5' / Data dictionary for
ID = 'WFI ' / Instrument ID (chl).
FILT1NO = 15 / Filter wheel position index (hs).
FILT1ID = '844 ' / Filter unique id (chls).
FILT1TYP= 'Broad-band filter' / Element type.
FILT1NAM= 'BB#Rc/162_ESO844' / Filter name (chls).
SHUTMODE= 'low-speed' / Shutter mode
SIGNAL1I= 'Dewar Temperature' / SIGNAL1 unique ID
SIGNAL1S= 167.0 / SIGNAL1 status (Kelvin)
SIGNAL2I= 'Fiera Box Temperature' / SIGNAL2 unique ID
SIGNAL2S= 289.5 / SIGNAL2 status (Kelvin)
SIGNAL3I= 'Dewar Presure' / SIGNAL3 unique ID
SIGNAL3S= 4.800000E+00 / SIGNAL3 status
GRIS1ID = 'None ' / OPTIi unique ID (chls).
GRIS1NAM= 'None ' / OPTIi name (chl).
ID = ' ' / Detector system Id
NAME = 'wfov - WFOV' / Name of detector system
BITS = 16 / Bits per pixel readout
RA = 0.00000000 / Apparent 00:00:00.0 RA at start
DEC = 0.00000000 / Apparent 00:00:00.0 DEC at start
CHIPS = 8 / # of chips in detector array
OUTUTS = 8 / # of outputs
OUTEF = 0 / reference output
WINDOWS = 1 / # of windows readout
SOFWMODE= 'Normal ' / CCD sw operational mode
EXPNO = 1371 / Unique exposure ID number
EXPTYPE = 'Normal ' / Exposure type
EXPRDTTI= 27.859 / image readout time
EXPXFERT= 28.308 / image transfer time
WIN1ST = T / If T, window enabled
WIN1STRX= 1 / Lower left pixel in X
WIN1STRY= 1 / Lower left pixel in Y
WIN1NX = 8568 / # of pixels along X
WIN1NY = 8256 / # of pixels along Y
WIN1BINX= 1 / Binning factor along X
WIN1BINY= 1 / Binning factor along Y
WIN1NDIT= 1 / # of subintegrations
WIN1UIT1= 660.000000 / user defined subintegration time
WIN1DIT1= 659.917732 / actual subintegration time
WIN1DKTM= 660.2825 / Dark current time
READMODE= 'normal ' / Readout method
READSPEE= 'normal ' / Readout speed
READCLOC= 'mosaic read (ordered)' / Readout clock pattern u
READNFRA= 1 / Number of readouts buffered in sin
FRAMID = 1 / Image sequencial number
FRAMTYPE= 'Normal ' / Type of frame
SHUTTYPE= 'disk ' / type of shutter
SHUTID = 'WFOV shutter' / Shutter unique identifier
SHUTTMOP= 0.411 / Time taken to open shutter
SHUTTMCL= 0.247 / Time taken to close shutter
TELEINT = 600.0 / Interval between two successive te
TELENO = 3 / # of sources active
TLM1NAME= 'CCDTMP ' / Description of telemetry param.
TLM1ID = 'CCDTMP ' / ID of telemetry sensor
TLM1STAR= 167.00 / Telemetry value at read start
TLM1END = 167.00 / Telemetry value at read completion
TLM2NAME= 'FBOX ' / Description of telemetry param.
TLM2ID = 'FBOX ' / ID of telemetry sensor
TLM2STAR= 289.50 / Telemetry value at read start
TLM2END = 289.50 / Telemetry value at read completion
TLM3NAME= 'VAC ' / Description of telemetry param.
TLM3ID = 'VAC ' / ID of telemetry sensor
TLM3STAR= 4.70 / Telemetry value at read start
TLM3END = 4.70 / Telemetry value at read completion
ORIGFILE= 'WFI_Ima.63.fits' / Original File Name
ARCFILE = 'WFI.2011-09-29T08:33:40.592.fits' / Archive File Name
WCSASTRM= '34741 (19990902T232148 LT 6284 OIII/8) by F. Valdes 1999-10-19'
ESOHDR = 'Wed 20:40:49 08-May-2013'
PCOUNT = 0 / No 'random' parameters
GCOUNT = 1 / Only one group
BZERO = 3.276800E4 /
ORIGIN = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003' / FITS file originator
EXTNAME = 'im1 ' / Extension name
EQUINOX = 2000. / Standard FK5 (years)
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinate reference frame
IRAF-TLM= '2013-05-08T18:41:00' / Time of last modification
DATE = '2013-05-08T18:40:43' / Date FITS file was generated
INHERIT = T / Inherits global header
OBJECT = 'NGC_1316' / Name of the object observed
CRVAL1 = 77.690166666667 / value of ref pixel
CRPIX1 = 4278.5402994135 / Ref. pixel of center of rotation
CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / Pixel coordinate system
CRVAL2 = 8.3189083333333 / value of ref pixel
CRPIX2 = -446.516394869669 / Ref. pixel of center of rotation
CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / Pixel coordinate system
CHIPINDE= 1 / Chip index
CHIPID = 'ccd50 ' / Detector chip identification
CHIPNAME= 'EEVCCD4482' / Detector chip name
CHIPDATE= '1998-12-12' / Date of installation [YYYY-MM-DD]
CHIPX = 1 / X location in array
CHIPY = 2 / Y location in array
CHIPNX = 2046 / # of pixels along X
CHIPNY = 4098 / # of pixels along Y
CHIPPSZX= 15.0 / Size of pixel in X
CHIPPSZY= 15.0 / Size of pixel in Y
CHIPXGAP= 0.000000 / Gap between chips along x
CHIPYGAP= 0.000000 / Gap between chips along y
OUTINDEX= 1 / Output index
OUTID = 'L ' / Output ID as from manufacturer
OUTNAME = 'L ' / Description of output
OUTCHIP = 1 / Chip to which the output belongs
OUTX = 1 / X location of output
OUTY = 8196 / Y location of output
OUTNX = 2046 / valid pixels along X
OUTNY = 4098 / valid pixels along Y
OUTPRSCX= 48 / Prescan region in X
OUTOVSCX= 48 / Overscan region in X
OUTPRSCY= 0 / Prescan region in Y
OUTOVSCY= 30 / Overscan region in Y
OUTCONAD= 2.24 / Conversion from ADUs to electrons
OUTRON = 0.00 / Readout noise per output (e-)
OUTGAIN = 0.45 / Conversion from electrons to ADU
CHECKSUM= 'HWPDHTPAHTPAHTPA' / HDU checksum updated 2011-09-29T08:45:27
DATASUM = '383068895' / data unit checksum updated 2011-09-29T08:45:27
CCDSIZE = '[1:2046,1:4098]'
CCDSUM = '1 1 '
DETSEC = '[1:2046,4099:8196]'
CCDSEC = '[1:2046,1:4098]'
AMPSEC = '[1:2046,4098:1]'
DATASEC = '[49:2094,31:4128]'
LTV1 = 48.
LTV2 = 30.
LTM1_1 = 1.
LTM2_2 = 1.
BIASSEC = '[2095:2142,*]'
TRIMSEC = '[51:2094,31:4128]'
AMPNAME = 'ccd50L '
CD1_1 = -6.6080424077228E-5
CD1_2 = 2.43513891622882E-7
CD2_1 = 2.02790750786135E-7
CD2_2 = 6.60850281594185E-5
WAT0_001= 'system=image'
WAT1_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=ra'
WAT2_001= 'wtype=tan axtype=dec'

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