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 xregister problem
Anonymous: Guest
 01/17/2007 01:02AM (Read 4683 times)  

Hi,When I try to use xregister with a list of image sections listed in a
file, it outputs the results from just the first input region and
lists the rest as INDEF. Is this normal? It appears to work
correctly for one region, but effectively gets no answer for the
other two of the three I have input. If I change the order of the
listed regions in the regions file, I get results (different) for the
new first region, and INDEF for the other two, so it is not a problem
with the specific regions I have chosen. Each region has a single
object roughly centered in the 100x100 area.Also, if I simply list the three regions explicitly in the parameter
table instead of putting them in a file, I get the same result. Am I
misinterpreting something or is there a bug? How do I get xregister
to give me the average of several regions?I am running IRAF2.12.2 on a Mac G5 with Mac OS X 10.4.8.Below are my input files; thanks for the help,Michael Gregg
U.C. Davis/LLNL==============Here is my xregister parameter list: input = @Vsinglelist Input images to be registered
reference = j96f03ljq_single_sci.fits Input reference images
regions = shiftlocs Reference image regions used for
shifts = Vsingleshifts Input/output shifts database file
(output = ) Output registered images
(databasefmt = yes) Write the shifts file in database
format ?
(append = yes) Open shifts database for writing in
append mode ?
(records = ) List of shifts database records
(coords = ) Input coordinate files defining the
initial shifts
(xlag = 0) Initial shift in x
(ylag = 0) Initial shift in y
(dxlag = 0) Incremental shift in x
(dylag = 0) Incremental shift in y
(background = none) Background fitting function
(border = INDEF) Width of border for background fitting
(loreject = INDEF) Low side k-sigma rejection factor
(hireject = INDEF) High side k-sigma rejection factor
(apodize = 0.0) Fraction of endpoints to apodize
(filter = none) Spatially filter the data
(correlation = discrete) Cross-correlation function
(xwindow = 11) Width of correlation window in x
(ywindow = 11) Width of correlation window in y
(function = centroid) Correlation peak centering function
(xcbox = 5) X box width for centering
correlation peak
(ycbox = 5) Y box width for fitting correlation
(interp_type = linear) Interpolant
(boundary_type = nearest) Boundary
(constant = 0.0) Constant for constant boundary
(interactive = yes) Interactive mode ?
(verbose = yes) Verbose mode ?
(graphics = stdgraph) The standard graphics device
(display = stdimage) The standard image display device
(gcommands = ) The graphics cursor
(icommands = ) The image display cursor
(mode = ql)
The regions file, 'shiftlocs', is:[2310:2410,1575:1675]
[1830:1930,2040:2140]Here is the output of xregister with the above input (four input
images, first image is the reference image):# Tue 16:34:49 16-Jan-2007
begin j96f03ljq_single_sci.fits
input j96f03ljq_single_sci.fits
reference j96f03ljq_single_sci.fits
nregions 3
[2310:2410,1575:1675] [2310:2410,1575:1675]
-0.001158237 -0.006673813
[2125:2225,2630:2730] [2125:2225,2630:2730] INDEF INDEF
[1830:1930,2040:2140] [1830:1930,2040:2140] INDEF INDEF
xshift -0.001158237
yshift -0.006673813# Tue 16:34:50 16-Jan-2007
begin j96f03lrq_single_sci.fits
input j96f03lrq_single_sci.fits
reference j96f03ljq_single_sci.fits
nregions 3
[2310:2410,1575:1675] [2310:2410,1575:1675]
0.09389687 -0.2714968
[2125:2225,2630:2730] [2125:2225,2630:2730] INDEF INDEF
[1830:1930,2040:2140] [1830:1930,2040:2140] INDEF INDEF
xshift 0.09389687
yshift -0.2714968# Tue 16:34:51 16-Jan-2007
begin j96f52o0q_single_sci.fits
input j96f52o0q_single_sci.fits
reference j96f03ljq_single_sci.fits
nregions 3
[2310:2410,1575:1675] [2310:2410,1575:1675]
-0.01546717 -0.5851555
[2125:2225,2630:2730] [2125:2225,2630:2730] INDEF INDEF
[1830:1930,2040:2140] [1830:1930,2040:2140] INDEF INDEF
xshift -0.01546717
yshift -0.5851555# Tue 16:34:52 16-Jan-2007
begin j96f52o8q_single_sci.fits
input j96f52o8q_single_sci.fits
reference j96f03ljq_single_sci.fits
nregions 3
[2310:2410,1575:1675] [2310:2410,1575:1675]
0.5787854 -0.5952945
[2125:2225,2630:2730] [2125:2225,2630:2730] INDEF INDEF
[1830:1930,2040:2140] [1830:1930,2040:2140] INDEF INDEF
xshift 0.5787854
yshift -0.5952945

 01/17/2007 01:02AM  

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Registered: 05/03/2010
Posts: 28
I'm unsure how to specify regions for my images. My images are 752 x 581 pixels in size. This runs from 0-751 to 0-580 in the DL Maxim coorodinate system. I would like to break the image into at least 4 quadrants for xregister to process. What would the syntax be for this.When I use the interactive mode with xregister what should I in fact be looking for. Can anyone describe this to me?Also, is there a way to get display to show me what pieces are being worked on. That is, if I were to specify 0:375 and 0:290 would that be the upper right portion of the image. I would like to get display to show me that piece of the image as well.Rob SteeleRobert.D.Steele@jpl.nasa.gov

Rob Steele (Robert.D.Steele@jpl.nasa.gov)
Profile Email
 01/17/2007 01:02AM  

Status: offline

Registered: 05/03/2010
Posts: 28
My bad - when file were specified for the other parameters I had to place a '@' as the first character. For the regions I did not and when I did it was rejected. It looks like the images position starts at 1 not 0. (Must have been a FORTRAN programmer and not a 'C' programmer.)I'm still not sure where in the image (1,1) is. does anyone know for sure?Rob Steele

Rob Steele (Robert.D.Steele@jpl.nasa.gov)
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 01/17/2007 01:02AM  

Status: offline

Registered: 05/03/2010
Posts: 28
Looks like I have this working pretty well. I'm creating my own document for running IRAF so I'll update that and keep it updated in case anyone wants a copy. Now I'm onto sregister and wregister. If anyone has comments on that I'd be glad to see them.

Rob Steele (Robert.D.Steele@jpl.nasa.gov)
Profile Email
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