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 IRAF BoF Scheduled at ADASS
 09/18/2006 04:54PM (Read 5656 times)  

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Registered: 09/30/2005
Posts: 4040
An IRAF Birds-of-a-Feather session has been scheduled at the upcoming ADASS meeting in Tucson, Oct 15-18. The abstract for the BoF is below and we invite everyone to attend. An agenda will be posted closer to the meeting time, however we plan to cover highlights of the last year, organize work for the coming year, and demonstrate some new work that will be available shortly. Please contact us if you would like to make a short presentation yourself or if there is something is particular interest you'd like to see on the agenda.[quote:c1c73d8f5f]
[u:c1c73d8f5f]The IRAF Users and Developers BoF[/u:c1c73d8f5f]The emphasis and budgets of astronomical software have shifted in
recent years from community-wide projects sponsored by national centers,
to smaller systems focused on the goals of individual institutions. A large
fraction of users, however, continue to rely on the large legacy facilities
to accomplish their science. IRAF became community-supported over the last
year through the https://iraf.net web site. We believe that it must also
now become community-developed if it is to survive and remain responsive
to the needs of these many users, while it also transitions to possible
future integration with the new community-wide data analysis framework
standards and the Virtual Observatory. iraf.net was established precisely
to rebuild IRAF's user-community around the expertise of a trusted core
of developers, while allowing all to benefit from the self-support and
direction of a wide user base.The purpose of this BoF is to organize IRAF users and developers
who share our interest in the future of IRAF under a community open-source
model. The BoF will include presentations on current and planned work
by the core iraf.net developers, and we solicit talks and contributions
regarding IRAF related projects of all sorts from other institutions or
from individual IRAF users. An open discussion will follow, exploring
the relative priorities of various future core system and application
package projects. We hope to enlist developers to work with us to realize
these projects. Projects may refer not only to specific developments
in IRAF or to the iraf.net site, but to broader ADASS interests such
as the creation of an astronomical-software job board or the forging of
collaborations between users or organizations.Presentations and demonstrations are expected to take up less
than half of the allowed time; the remainder will be reserved for discussion
and organization.[/quote:c1c73d8f5f]

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