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 mccmatch and mkapfile
Anonymous: Guest
 10/14/2005 08:57PM (Read 3126 times)  

I'm a grad student using IRAF and I have a few problems.
First one, when I use msccmatch ( and I do a fine search) on a long list
of files, I get an error message: "ERROR : floating point divide by zero^G " and the program stops.
However, if I try to run thatparticular file again, I have no problems. What is happening, is that
msccmatch if crashing everyother file, so it's essentially forcing me to run the files one by one.
(Which is rather annoying becausethere are a lot of files.)
Is there any way, to make msccmatch not crash so much.My other problem is rather similar, but with the mkapfile program. When I
try to run a list, I get anerror messages that says : "cog model could not fit". But again, running
the files through separatelyseems to work. How can I make it so that it will run a list through?And I suppose while I'm asking questions, I might as well ask about pdump.
I'm not really sure ofwhat this one does. I know it 'dumps' certain fields, but where is kinda
my question. Does it changethe headers, or does it just read out certain fields? And where does it
put these fields, does it make alist of any kind that you can use later?Thank you for your time and your help.
Roberta Johnson

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