MODULE: mscred.ccdproc, mscred.mscmerge
SYSTEM: -V4.8: May 11, 2004
MODULE:	mscred.ccdproc, mscred.mscmerge
SYSTEM:	-V4.8: May 11, 2004
DATE:	Fri Apr 15 16:55:02 MST 2005
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	CCDPROC produces a 'Pixel subscript out of bounds' error when
	applying calibrations produced from binned and merged data.
	In other words, mosaic data with multiple amplifiers per
	CCD, which are taken with binning, will produce this error
	after running ZEROCOMBINE with merging enabled and applying
	this calibration to flat fields or objects.  This problem
	is caused by CCDPROC incorrectly updating the physical WCS
	for binned data.  This causes the merging of multiple amplifiers
	to produce incorrect section keywords.  This is particularly
	important for the CCDSEC keyword.  Attempting to apply merged
	calibrations with the invalid CCDSEC keyword causes the error.
	There are two workarounds.  One is to not merge the amplifiers
	at all or until all calibrations have been applied.  The other
	is to edit the CCDSEC keywords for merged calibration images
	produced by ZEROCOMBINE and FLATCOMBINE to reflect the true
	CCD section.  The error is normally that the first pixel in
	CCDSEC is zero rather than one.

STATUS:	Fixed for the next release of MSCRED.

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