MODULE: mscred.msccmatch
SYSTEM: V4.8: November 6, 2003 -
MODULE:	mscred.msccmatch
SYSTEM:	V4.8: November 6, 2003 -
DATE:	Thu Jul 15 13:59:37 MST 2004
FROM:	valdes

BUG:	In the November 6th release of MSCRED the task MSCCMATCH calls
	GEOMAP with the parameter 'maxiter'.  This parameter was added
	to GEOMAP in V2.12 IRAF.  Therefore, MSCCMATCH will abort with
	an error about 'maxiter' when a recent version of MSCRED is
	installed and used with V2.11 IRAF.  The workarounds are to
	update IRAF, go back to an earlier version of MSCRED, or patch
	the immatch$geomap.par file to add the line

	maxiter,i,h,0,,,Maximum number of rejection iterations

STATUS:	Currently no changes are planned to maintain recent versions of
	MSCRED which are compatible with V2.11 IRAF.

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